Example sentences of "[verb] that [noun prp] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Anne was excited and happy about the baby , but she began to worry that John might be killed before the child was born .
2 They proposed that AEA should be re-organised into strategic business units which should be encouraged to prove what they could achieve under a strategy described as ‘ pushing the limits ’ .
3 In the leadership elections scheduled for mid-February 1992 it was expected that Peres would be challenged by Rabin .
4 On Aug 5. it was reported that Djoussouf would be arrested and the MDP banned , however , this was not confirmed .
5 But it was a death in line with the pioneering Lord he followed ; a fitting martyr 's death for a very courageous man who found that God could be trusted with his weakness and fear .
6 He accepts that Skinnergate should be pedestrianised to stop the traffic chaos .
7 And he said that he did not consider that Skelton should be allowed to expand so far northward .
8 While it recommended that the British should not enjoy even the hint of a veto in any form of consultative machinery , it did not think that Britain should be treated as a satellite .
9 They therefore recommended that AEA should be encouraged to push the government restrictions ( for example , AEA is not allowed to manufacture non-nuclear products ) to the limits and then , if successful , the restrictions could be removed at a later stage .
10 The government 's Ombudsman Commission presented a report to the public prosecutor in April 1991 which recommended that Diro should be prosecuted on 73 counts of misconduct and corruption in connection with his post of Forestry Minister .
11 The majority decision by the 15-member Supreme Court ruled that Enrile should be freed on bail of 100,000 pesos ( approximately US$4,600 ) , pending a decision on his claim that the charges against him were " non-existent " in the penal code .
12 Through suggesting that God should be seen in these ways , for example that those biblical verses which give feminine attributes to God should be drawn upon , one does nothing to change the conception of what are authentic roles for women .
13 I was not prepared to agree that Britain could be outvoted on any substantive issue of foreign policy .
14 Gandhi travelled to the state on Oct. 6 and the next day he announced that Patil would be replaced as Chief Minister within four days .
15 Many fear that France could be relegated to a secondary role .
16 UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd on a visit to Turkey on April 21-22 said that he believed that Turkey should be included in the Matutes plan ( the EC 's development programme for the Mediterranean basin ) .
17 Genscher told a news conference that Germany believed that Albania should be accepted into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and the Council of Europe and should receive aid from the Group of 24 .
18 Silver is becoming increasingly concerned that the Euro championships will be taken away from Elland Rd ( despite the fact that a new pitch is going to be laid at the end of the season ) , and says that Hunslet must be gone by spring 1995 at the latest .
19 Unir , which is pressing the time-to-market argument , says that Calico can be applied to pen-based computing , object-oriented database servers , real-time object-based systems and special-purpose telecommunications systems that are either open or proprietary .
20 However , laboratory tests show that Gore-Text can be penetrated by prolonged exposure to rain .
21 Hindley warned Heathcliff that he must never speak to Catherine again , or he would be sent away from Wuthering Heights , and it was decided that Catherine would be taught to behave like a young lady .
22 I have decided that Rentokil should be given the contract on the basis outlined in your very comprehensive proposal document .
23 The Iraqis moved armour into positions south of Basrah to block the more obvious of these steps and the Iranians evidently decided that Kuwait could be attended to some other time .
24 In that event , the ambassadors stipulated that Famagusta would be governed henceforth by James of Lusignan and his Christian lieutenants , and not by Mamelukes , Moors or other infidels , who were to have no authority over Famagustans .
25 South African government sources were reported to have hinted that Thatcher might be called upon to help negotiators reach a constitutional settlement , although it was unclear what role she might have .
26 Referring to " President Bush 's own misconduct " in the matter , Walsh also hinted that Bush might be required to submit to questioning in connection with the affair .
27 The Navigator was remembering that Jaq might be attired right now as one kind of person , whereas actually he was someone else entirely … and Googol needed to be reminded of this .
28 The best hope that Kampuchea can be spared more agony is the gathering weight of diplomatic contact .
29 So all she can do is sit and hope that Nicholas will be released before very much longer .
30 One of the country 's foremost experts on chemical warfare is warning that London could be attacked by Iraqi terrorists using the deadly weapons .
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