Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] must have be " in BNC.

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1 How much money went with this is not known but the scale of the ruins — the shell of the reactor is still visible — suggest that it must have been several million dollars even in 1950s prices , perhaps 1 per cent of the gross national product of Argentina , or roughly the equivalent of a whole year 's research budget for a developed country .
2 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
3 But then she found that she must have been without noticing , for she discovered that there was writing everywhere which she could read without even trying .
4 If we think about Freud and his influence it is not hard to find out what he wrote and said , and it is easy to guess that it must have been important .
5 This confused Benny at first , until she realized that they must have been going deeper into the complex , while Froebe would have assumed she was making for the outside .
6 At the time I thought little more about it , but later I realized that it must have been caused by some powerful pain-killing drug .
7 Historians of the conservative tendency , in rejecting the claims of the leading historians of the popular reform movement , seem to be suggesting that it must have been over-reacting .
8 ‘ Where 's Beuno ? ’ asked Betty casually , and Lydia realised that she must have been silently asking that all the way from the farmhouse .
9 A second or two later though and she realised that she must have been mistaken , for his look was suddenly more mocking than anything when , ‘ In a word , ’ he lobbed back at her , ‘ fantastic . ’
10 He would not talk about it , and you knew not to ask more , but you realised that it must have been the time in his life when he most resembled himself .
11 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
12 ‘ Though we knew by the place where he had fallen that it must have been at the very summit just as the path runs down the cliff to Kinghorn Manor . ’
13 ‘ For once , not Rosemary , though I 'm getting more and more desperate about not knowing what to do for the best , ’ he confessed , but went on to explain , ‘ I spent a lot of time yesterday in realising that I must have been a real wet blanket when Naylor announced your engagement on Saturday . ’
14 It concluded that Kennedy was shot by Oswald acting alone , a verdict which has been questioned ever since by those believing that he must have been acting as part of a conspiracy .
15 I seemed to recall that in the past when we 'd met we 'd got on reasonably well , so I assumed that it must have been something that Jennifer had told you that had turned you against me , or , failing that , that you were just embarrassed at having to work with your sister 's ex-fiancé . ’
16 One would have thought that she must have been brought in from that area .
17 The Court could look at the facts before the Minister and if those were insufficient in law to support his determination then the Court would deem that it must have been arbitrary .
18 Thus , where substantial quantities of the same material equipment or products are discovered , archaeologists tend to assume that they must have been produced by the same people .
19 This was particularly sad , considering that it must have been Walpole whom she idolized and wanted to imitate , for it was he who built Strawberry Hill .
20 Although Mr Cross was perturbed at his strange encounter , he dismissed his consternation and decided that she must have been a village girl who had watched the train and then returned home .
21 But , hearing nothing more , she decided that she must have been mistaken and went back to sleep .
22 She thought of Jonathan , but decided that she must have been too angry and hurt , because she could only manage to summon up the blurriest of images of him .
23 Molly remembered the child in pantaloons and decided that it must have been bought by Sandra and not Buck Kettering .
24 Which meant that he must have been watched … and that made him wonder was he still being watched ?
25 Workmen on the site had tried to catch the under-nourished dog , but had n't managed to get anywhere near her — they all thought that she must have been very badly abused because she was so terrified of people .
26 Dot thought that he must have been moved to a different hospital .
27 Here I apologised to JTR and learned that he must have been a very tall man .
28 I think that it must have been a frightening experience for people trapped within the train for that time .
29 As I can remember very little about the rest of the day I presume that I must have been unconscious most of the time .
30 But from what we know of local practices It would seem that she must have been crucified Very near an ant-hill .
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