Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] can [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is an important distinction because pluralist models suggest that we can draw conclusions about the influence of different interests only when groups can be observed at work on their behalf in the political process .
2 they 'll get into the , they 'll get into that garage right , so they look and see things they did n't know that they can make money on
3 accompany , I do n't know that I can offer transport because it 's not a very easy thing you know , and we need to try and do , but
4 They say that you can make cells reproduce faster if you injure the skin , if you inflame it , slap it , sunburn it or even rub it .
5 When I say that you can expect evolution to jump from the insect to one of its immediate neighbours , but not to jump from the insect directly to the fox or the scorpion , what I exactly mean is the following .
6 To achieve the status of ‘ Preferred Supplier , ’ a company must demonstrate that it can provide products and services which are uniform , consistently meet requirements and show an on-going commitment to quality .
7 Why do men think that they can use women and come out of it unscathed ? ’
8 A company often thinks that it can let space for a short term — say two or three years — and then move back in once the business climate has improved .
9 A few successful trips to restaurants will not only be enjoyable for the patient , but they will boost his confidence and help him to realize that he can take part in normal social life .
10 Good windsurfing boots or shoes have soft rubber soles so your grip will be far better , and the materials used in them mean that they can withstand use in water much better than running shoes .
11 Maybe we ought to hope that more people will be angry in ways that actually mean that we can change things .
12 These features make index cards easy to organise , and well-organised notes mean that you can find information more easily .
13 They show that we can see patterns of similar markings .
14 I mean we ca n't go into the private market and expect them or asking them to provide houses erm affordable houses as I say the question is what 's an affordable house , who 's got the money to buy the house I would presume , but obviously we know the situation is it 's the lower rent of market , the lower income groups and the unemployed that are suffering very much reasonable accommodation at a rent or at a price they can afford and I reckon this is what hopefully the government was after to say whether we 'll put in our policy and hope that we can get things .
15 Erm be because out of that debate this morning I sense you have much to offer the rest of us and I hope that that conversation will not be a conversation confined your Synod or to the to the assembly of URC but that we 'll find ways of sharing that perception of ministry with those of us in other churches cos you do n't need me to tell me , tell you that that key question in the whole ecumenical debate , not just in these nations but worldwide and I think that from within this reform tradition in which I share I will hope that we will find ways of offering that perception of ministry , in all its forms as erm , a symbol and a sign of the ministry of the whole people of God we have that to offer the churches in Wales and worldwide and I hope that we can find ways of doing that .
16 Still hope that we can challenge Man .
17 I hope that he can accept comment from a colleague who through professional conscience has already lost many thousands of pounds since the imposition of the new general practice contract .
18 Self-protection was a high priority for these Goliaths when along comes David in the form of two chemists who announce that they can perform fusion in a glass of water !
19 It has been said that we can regard ATP as a common currency which must be spent to provide energy whenever it is needed — to drive chemical reactions , to cause muscles to contract , or to pump substances across membranes .
20 It is frequently said that you can make statistics say what you want them to say .
21 It was argued that they can monopolise resources in an area where they already do have a monopoly ( schools , community halls , etc . )
22 unc You have already seen that we can use equations to work out problems .
23 Does my right hon. Friend agree that it is a diabolical liberty for people to suggest that they can increase people 's taxes by the underhand method of raising national insurance contributions , as is proposed by the Labour party ?
24 And it pays to travel about You see the problem with Jackie and Nev is always been that they ca n't believe that you can get things in a place like W H Smiths that will that will do very nicely as a Christmas present .
25 Well it pays to tramp around you see the problem with Jackie and Len has always been that they can not believe that you can get things in a place like W H Smith that will , that will do very nicely as a Christmas present , they tend to go
26 Admittedly most of us become egoists in a struggle for mere physical survival , — starving men fighting for food , drowning men climbing into an over-weighted boat ; but it does not follow that we can become egoists from principle in conditions where basic human needs are satisfied .
27 Observation of children reading aloud , however , shows that they can have problems in adjusting to the change from third-person narrative ( the author 's voice ) to quoted speech ( the character 's voice ) .
28 Now they shall see that I can do extremes and by God they shall learn to keep their hands from Gwynedd while I am yet alive . ’
29 But if , if you 've got that idea of what Mao 's idea of excess is you know that you can have excesses then you go f forward and then you come back there
30 I know that I can see objectives and drive after them .
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