Example sentences of "[verb] that [pers pn] [vb past] [vb pp] her " in BNC.

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1 She would never let him know that he had broken her heart .
2 Orchis is Greek for testicle , which is what the roots look like , and Lydia had told the company so , because Mrs Molesworth , gazing fondly and favourably on her husband , had divulged that he had bought her orchids on the recent occasion of their wedding anniversary .
3 Only then did Folly realise that she had left her purse behind .
4 Due to her unexpected and hasty departure from England , Laura found that she 'd left her charge cards behind in her apartment .
5 When Liz came downstairs again to her party , after a ritual exchange ( how could her sister bear such intercourse ? how could it go on ? ) she found that she had lost her velocity .
6 We made enquiries and found that she had helped her mother to carry water every day in Bangladesh .
7 She realized that she had betrayed her knowledge of Russian by using the feminine version of the doctor 's surname .
8 Too late she realised that she had let her defences down .
9 Night fell , and Bodie was prowling the streets , searching for the girl , waiting for the call from Control to confirm that they had located her getaway car .
10 Could n't it have been to escape from having to realize that she 'd killed her lover ?
11 Abashed , realising that he had overheard her conversation with Victoria , Shelley did n't try to make excuses .
12 Mandy had shaved several years from her life , and put that she 'd spent her last few summers working as a waitress at the Banff Springs Hotel .
13 Then , remembering that she had left her boa in the car , with a totally unhurried gesture , she put a hand up to hold it together at her throat .
14 Better to remember that he had called her sweetheart tonight , and it had been as much a sham as his kiss .
15 Morton noted that she had combed her hair .
16 He was amazed at how difficult it was , but gradually it eased as she eased , and he noticed that she had wet her dress .
17 A spokeswoman for the singer confirmed that she had ended her contract with PWL and added : ‘ She is now busy considering other offers . ’
18 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
19 Constance sensed that she had offended her aunt and she felt guilty .
20 I did n't realise that you might not — er — be able to have any babies … ’ she added with an unhappy sigh , clearly wishing that she 'd kept her mouth shut .
21 She had written to her mother giving no address , saying that she had left her husband and was going abroad , that she could do nothing more for her mother and had her own life to live .
22 She lied to Dr Wyn , saying that she had wrenched her shoulder , since although there was nothing inherently shameful about noises in the head she did not wish to confide in him .
23 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
24 Living up to her reputation , Peters found that she had done her homework thoroughly .
25 If there had been only two men holding Alison in the room , this meant that they 'd left her unguarded and she 'd be able to slip away .
26 ‘ I could get anyone under the spell , ’ he says , adding that he had hypnotised their maid ( as Breavman had in The Favourite Game ) and feared that he had driven her insane by it !
27 But she thought well it 's been a good experience anyway and she tho felt that she 'd played her pieces well erm
28 How could she admit that she had reached her conclusion not by logic or reasoning but by sheer gut feeling brought about by the love she felt for him ?
29 Under Victorine 's mocking questioning she understood that she had betrayed her vision by mentioning it .
30 She knew that she had pushed her dreadful experience away , had refused to be broken , had tried to pretend that it had never happened .
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