Example sentences of "[verb] i would [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I had something important to say on television I do n't think I would choose a Sunday afternoon .
2 And I do n't think if you 've got it out of the Guilds and say now we 've got to have so much for the rent this week I do n't think I would have a Guild very long , because they can go round the corner .
3 ‘ I do n't think I 'd want a stomach pump , ’ Rab said .
4 ‘ I did n't think I 'd have a bottom or a scalp , ’ he says .
5 I 'd , actually I do n't think I 'd get a book for Jackie because I will be honest with you she has so much reading to do for her English teaching and drama
6 I parked the jeep under a tree and then , looking at my watch , I decided that as I had a couple of hours to spare I would take a walk across to the other bridge where I had noticed a café on our first day into Normandy .
7 I says I 'd like a rise .
8 I imagined I would have a lot of spare time , but my diary is always full .
9 Just to pass some time cos I 'm bored I 'd thought I 'd list a team of crap Leeds players I 've had the misfortune to see over the years .
10 Just to pass some time cos I 'm bored I 'd thought I 'd list a team of crap Leeds players I 've had the misfortune to see over the years .
11 I know I would get a bit excited if if I was on T V.
12 You know I 'd like a little bit more curly and not
13 ‘ Speaking hypothetically , are you saying I 'd have a choice ? ’
14 This time I decided I would try a child .
15 so I decided I 'd have a go in a factory , aha , and I come in it was over in the other place , the noise was unbelievable , really unbelievable .
16 Am busy doing near voluntary work for the — if you felt amazingly generous and like joining I 'd accept a cheque for £8 in their favour too — IT does staggering work on a shoestring the size of vanishing silk thread .
17 I also stated that when I felt that things were going well and the government was settled I would take a trip and that trip starts now .
18 Tonight I feel I 'd enjoy a pint of ale more than a text from the New Testament .
19 Said he only saw me because he knew I would bring a present . ’
20 I thought of it at one ti me , but I knew I 'd make a mess of it . ’
21 Most people said I should get probation , but I was looking on the black side and thought I would get a sentence of three to five years .
22 I thought I would get a job there but I could n't for a few months and er , my wife and two children joined me there and my brother 's wife joined us there , and two of us bought the house in Luton .
23 I thought I would have a go at senior rugby for a season , then pack it in .
24 ‘ I thought I would use a grenade ’ , said Vu Van Hau , a 22-year-old Vietnamese soldier who served for three years in Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom provinces , before returning to his native Ho Chi Minh City as part of the September withdrawal .
25 I never thought I would see a Ryan driving a new Merc with all the rent paid . ’
26 I still had time to kill , so I thought I 'd make a couple of ‘ phone calls and that meant employing the Middleditch gambit .
27 actually we , mm , at some length and had a few ideas , erm I 've got an appointment with someone at the Arts Council in a couple of weeks that the Arts Council 's got a new fund called erm consultants in research and I thought I 'd make a bid to see if we can get someone
28 She said it was a remnant and I thought I 'd make a box for the sale .
29 ‘ It 's the left-overs from yesterday 's joint — I thought I 'd make a shepherd 's pie for supper .
30 ‘ I thought I 'd strike a chord , ’ he said .
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