Example sentences of "[verb] to [be] [vb pp] [prep] new " in BNC.

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1 A leading climatologist has claimed that global warming will increase the risk of structural damage to buildings and will need to be tackled with new building regulations .
2 He will need to be informed about new strategic departures and their effects upon the covariance between corporate and market-index returns so that he can alter the portfolio held if the risk-return mix is not the one desired ; but corporate diversification to manage total risk is not required by the shareholder .
3 Easily Accessible : There is lots of walking to be done as New Capernwray is only half an hour from both the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales and the immediate area has much unspoilt countryside to explore .
4 The de-skilling , which currently forms the basis of homeworking and which is the worst destruction of human potential has to be countered by new modes of organization which could challenge the power of the new capitalism .
5 Indeed one might well argue that unless this generation is able to distinguish between what has been the religious vehicle which has carried people 's love of God , and the love of God itself which needs to be interpreted in new ways , there may be scant hope for the future of religion in the west .
6 There would appear to be the need for a significant increase in the staffing of Branches and adequate training needs to be provided for new staff .
7 In this period the view of popular culture as degenerate and threatening came to be tempered by new pressures upon English academics to show that the discipline embodied a sense of social responsibility .
8 During the postwar period the idea of democracy also came to be expressed in new terms — differing profoundly from the restrictive meaning which Schumpeter , Weber and others had imparted to it through its association with the idea of citizenship .
9 Humphrey Austin leased the mill , but in 1806 he bought what came to be known as New Mills .
10 Meanwhile , the decision to sell Saatchi 's ailing business consultancy division has put additional strains on Saatchi management and a number of senior managers have had to be moved to new positions .
11 Since the building of the huge medieval tithe barns , constant changes in farming methods have meant that most farm buildings have had to be adapted to new uses or else demolished or simply abandoned to the elements .
12 As the Investors Chronicle of 18 September pointed out , most building societies do not tell their savers when one of their accounts ceases to be marketed to new investors , even if the existing investor could obtain a much better rate of interest by switching to another account with the same society .
13 It was not only other ancient literature that was opened up for new understanding by the Renaissance : the Bible too began to be read with new eyes , eyes no longer focused simply by the authoritative teaching of the church .
14 Councils may eventually cease to be major landlords ( Coleman 1989a ) and this dimension of fertility differences will have to be analysed in new ways .
15 So the Government had to choose much higher frequency and new devices will have to be developed before new mobile telephone services can begin .
16 Although some adjustment would have to be made to new criteria for apportioning teaching time , these subjects were not new .
17 Such beliefs that society needed to be reconstructed with new cultural values implied the revolutionary transformation of individuals .
18 Due to its dismantling at Barry and other locations , several components had gone missing and these needed movement and others had to be manufactured from new .
19 In 1962 the increase in population had been 1,172 but in the same year only nineteen new houses had been built ; land had to be found for new housing .
20 And he admits to being impressed by new housing partnerships between the public and private sectors on projects which could not have been built without the co-operation of both parties .
21 Also , I believe most students prefer to be introduced to new ideas which they can explore for themselves with a sense of adventure , rather than be led on a Cook 's Tour with every fact and statistic recited .
22 However , the Cyber operating system will continue to be enhanced with new networking and input/output features , Ousley says .
23 Removing the mender 's lead leaves gaps which have to be filled with new glass … aged and painted to closely match the original .
24 ‘ Hundreds of our employees , including outside sales reps and store people , need to be trained on new products but we ca n't always bring them into Louisville .
25 Older children , even those with developed visualization abilities , need visual stimulus , need to be presented with new visual ideas , new ways of looking , ways of looking , perhaps , at unfamiliar things — oriental architecture or the workings of a laser application — ways of extending the enjoyment of the seen .
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