Example sentences of "[verb] to [pron] when i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I was moved to write to you when I read Sue Frost 's comment in You And Your Kids recently : ‘ The child who shouts ‘ yummy ’ at a plate of Brussels sprouts has n't yet been born . ’
2 Er , there must be a worry in a lot of people , single people 's minds what happens to me when I get older and in ill-health , how will I cope ?
3 ‘ There 's something that happens to me when I come back home , ’ he says .
4 This always happens to me when I play on grainy greens . ’
5 If he does call , tell him I 'll speak to him when I get back . ’
6 I tell you what I 'll speak to you when I come back from the chippie yeah
7 I managed to get it working , but I 'll have to have some extensive repairs done to it when I get back home . ’
8 ‘ Thank you , William , ’ Marie says to me when I give her the tea , and I say ‘ Is there anything else , your Highness ? ’ like we 're king and queen or summat .
9 ‘ But I 'd like to talk to you when I get back .
10 That the style they replaced it with is specifically a feminist style is suggested by the comments made to me when I interviewed feminist women about how they thought feminists talked .
11 If the code is kept under review , is there any intention to issue an updated version with any alterations to the 1987 edition which is the one that was supplied to me when I asked for a copy ?
12 Even so , it set up a security precaution that had occurred to me when I 'd seen the cylinder .
13 And then he goes , he goes erm it 's , it gets erm it really gets to me when I think people are chewing around school , I do n't know what to do to stop people and I was n't chewing , yes well it looked like chewing , but I was n't chewing !
14 So we were able to tell how many tickets of certain classes were sold each day but not route by route , we 'd lost that that facility because the waybills just were n't big enough and of course the , wa everything got mechanical but now I mean I do n't profess to know anything about what happens now but I was introduced to it when I went down there for a retirement and believe me it 's , it 's all electronics now they can tell how a ticket machine is issuing tickets at any particular one day by this , this electronic business , this computers .
15 no , heaven knows what will happen to me when I 've , when I got it any more , I use it all the time .
16 ‘ I 'm worried about what 'll happen to him when I go . ’
17 Later he wrote , " I was completely overwhelmed by the expressions of loyalty given to me when I left .
18 As one student patiently explained to me when I asked him how he knew what results he was looking for :
19 It was the last lesson of the day and I could n't help it , but I come out with a big burp in the middle of the lesson and she goes , ‘ Fay , are you feeling all right ? ’ and I says , ‘ Yes Miss , of course I am ’ , and then she goes to me when I did it again , ‘ FAY ! ’ and I goes , ‘ It 's all right ’ , I goes , ‘ Pardon me , Miss .
20 so she said I thought to myself when I went in I hope the two hundred pound one 's mine , Joe 'll go mad if it 's over four hundred !
21 Erm , it took , it took a week and a half before the fresh foods secretary even spoke to me when I went in this place to do the free appointment , nobody 's told me how I 'm doing , so then what 's the point of doing these things if nobody 's going give you anything , it 's just a waste of time ?
22 I am sure that you will give him the same affirmation and support you gave to me when I arrived .
23 You have my sincere hope and prayers for a safe delivery out of your troubles , and which I fear not will be granted to you , and if I am not with you at the time you will have something to present to me when I do . ’
24 Nought for presuming I was talking to him when I made that call . ’
25 And also , if she came in when I had the triplets it meant that erm you know , she was sitting talking to me when I wanted to be playing with them and taking them out and getting on with doing things with them .
26 she 's normally talking to someone when I come in
27 I felt nothing at the time and naïvely smiled to myself when I spotted it later .
28 If I could do that I could do anything , as a chef once said to me when I told him he had sprinkled sugar on a steak and kidney pie .
29 Anyway , I told Adele that what happened was , about what you said to me when I go about sort it out .
30 I mean she said to me when I went for this Men Mencap job she said erm , have you got any trade behind you ?
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