Example sentences of "[verb] in the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If they sleep in the shade of prohibitions for foreign goods , besides harming the Treasury and the Nation , they will harm themselves .
2 Certainly the grave demeanour which made such an impression upon others — the " sad eyes " and the " deep , sad voice " — was lifted in the company of friends to reveal a playful and often funny man .
3 The reader is shown many bad marriages through the course of the novel and the disastrous effects it causes in the upbringing of children .
4 Thus in Seager v Copydex Ltd [ 1967 ] 1 WLR 923 details of an unpatented invention disclosed in the course of negotiations relating to a similar patented invention were held to have been disclosed under an obligation of confidence .
5 As mass consumption , a particular array of objects may be found to represent and assist in the construction of perspectives relating to control over production or rivalry between consumers , but also to wider issues concerning morality and social ideals .
6 This should assist in the formulation of meetings and course programmes .
7 It did , however , assist in the concentration of bombers on route to the target and was invaluable in getting aircraft back in conditions of bad weather , GEE 's most important occasion was perhaps the 1,000-Plan , when nearly 1,000 aircraft passed through the target area in about 90 minutes , making Koln a watershed in the history of the British Bomber Offensive .
8 Comprehensive and accurate information on antecedent offences will assist in the prosecution of cases and in sentencing , and it will help the prison service to determine the appropriate prison regime .
9 In the days since her visit to me , her mind had become so used to the idea of walking in the vicinity of birds that it had seemed quite a natural thing to do .
10 the nuances will be much more finely discriminated in the scent of flowers than in the stench of carrion .
11 The metaphor this time is not the one from Genesis which tells how God made us in the divine image , male and female , and that completion lies in the union of men and women .
12 A precedent lies in the success of securities house Smith New Court in winning £14 million in an action against Citibank over shares in Ferranti bought two months before a fraud .
13 But the novelty of zoo work lies in the variety of patients .
14 According to Zelditch , ‘ a crucial reference point for differentiation in the family … lies in the division of organisms into lactating and nonlactating classes ’ .
15 The appeal of the area lies in the range of shops , restaurants , sandwich bars and wine bars , and the very large and well-patronized pub , The Green Man .
16 The secret of a sparkling talk show lies in the combination of guests .
17 Money-spinner FOOTBALL : The FA of Wales have had private talks about using Cardiff rugby club 's ground , which lies in the shadow of Arms Park , for Wales 's potentially money spinning World Cup game against Belgium .
18 The fourth difference lies in the nature of personnel involved in user education and their status and role within higher education management .
19 The modern application of this doctrine lies in the use of police search warrants .
20 The source of the demand for legal services lies in the proliferation of laws and regulations promulgated from a variety of sources , and the simultaneous waning of belief in the determinacy of legal doctrine .
21 I share my hon. Friend 's belief that the answer lies in the sort of suggestions that he made and which have been revealed in the report of the three wise men .
22 Tenants … were no longer prepared to accept the appalling housing conditions and would take whatever action was necessary … ‘ finally we believe that the only long-term solution to the social concerns which beset Derry lies in the establishment of workers ’ power and public ownership of all land , banks and industries .
23 The novelty — and most interesting feature — of this chapter lies in the examination of issues that refer to the author-to-reader level of discourse in fiction .
24 The urge to empathise is strong , but the projection is often rewarded by understanding in the case of animals .
25 The project cost in the region of Forints 55 million ( £440,000 ) and the gates open at the end of this month .
26 By day it 's very much a ‘ let's get a sunlounger and lie on the sand ’ sort of resort and the sandy beach is well equipped with everything you 'll need in the way of bars , restaurants and shade , and there are several places to waterski , windsurf and parascend or try your hand on the wet bikes .
27 The exact proportions in which oil and/or gas is present in the respective tracts become fully apparent only as wells are drilled in the course of operations .
28 The downstairs lighting circuit is run under the first-floor floorboards , with cables preferably threaded through holes drilled in the centre of joists , or clipped to the sides of the joists .
29 What range of choice , for example , does English provide in the use of complements or for determiners ?
30 The latter are the main pigments occurring in the eye of insects from many orders .
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