Example sentences of "[verb] the way in [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the structure of the organisation , good communication lies at the heart of success — and , because of the complexities we have already looked at and the many factors which influence the way in which messages circulate and are received good communication is perhaps more difficult to achieve than good product design , manufacturing productivity or success in the market place .
2 The removal of the requirement , while retaining the broad objectives , ended the controversy as a question of principle and placed the responsibility on the subject boards and their panels to monitor the ways in which institutions and their courses interpreted the changed policy .
3 Miscue analysis seems to affect the way in which teachers approach their practice in a quite radical way .
4 Daly , Frye and Millett all stress the way in which women have been subject to the power of men .
5 ‘ What decent woman would not be , ’ said Sally-Anne , waving her biscuit at him , ‘ given the way in which society treats us ?
6 This process has placed enormous pressure upon our employees and it is tremendously encouraging to see the way in which staff have committed themselves to the new organisation .
7 We shall then be in a position to return to these themes of human civilization and its discontents , and to see the ways in which others have used Freud 's ideas .
8 Techniques analogous to those used in the study of the brain have been applied to these systems and it can be quite instructive to compare the way in which people have approached these non-neural systems with these methods with the way they go about studying the central nervous system .
9 Where Jesus led the way in his acceptance of the Old Testament as the word of God , the New Testament was content to follow .
10 The 52 chapters of the work ( Thomas , 1956 ) were organized in three parts : the first retrospective , elaborating the way in which man has changed the face of the earth ; the second reviewing the many ways in which processes have been modified ; and the third concerned with the prospect raised by the limits on the role of man .
11 But I 've no objection to including the Way in my itinerary .
12 Erm it 's the other end of the scale of seeing the way in which individuals erm perceive their role erm in political developments .
13 It is early days yet to see how the ideas of Total Quality Management will affect the way in which schools operate but I have no doubt they are concepts which are of great usefulness to education .
14 For example , it is in the family that we first encounter the way in which people who have authority behave , and the differences in the way men and women behave .
15 A ranked output IR system such as Okapi can also use several other kinds of knowledge about words to modify the way in which weights are assigned to them in an individual search .
16 X causes Y which in turn causes Z ’ ; while a mediating variable ‘ is one which shapes the very relationship between the two other variables : Y causes the way in which X affects Z ’ ( 1979 : 23 ) .
17 This is a basic requirement for understanding the way in which word order is related to the expression of word meaning .
18 ‘ Starving in Silence ’ makes fascinating reading for anyone interested in understanding the way in which famines develop and the mechanisms of censorship .
19 Several puzzles remain , however , most notably in understanding the way in which expectations are formed and in the difficulty in econometric research of capturing a strong interest rate effect .
20 These interviews will explore the ways in which patients think about health and illness at a general level , and diabetes in particular , using an approach which depends upon asking the person to recount their personal experiences in the areas of interest , both as a child and as an adult .
21 In Sections 4.4 and 4.7 we described the way in which schools set about spending their project grants and the key role played by the DCSLs in advising schools on the " weeding " of existing stock , the range of available books and materials , and the mechanics of ordering , cataloguing and shelving their acquisitions .
22 While Marglin emphasises the way in which technology has been developed to meet the requirements of large-scale factory production , Braverman suggests that technological developments are also shaped by management 's desire to split conception from execution .
23 As far as the sense goes , we would be better to say that line B specifies the way in which God brings the army of the stars out in flaIl number : it is by summoning each one of them by name .
24 She stoops to conquer and discuss the ways in which women are portrayed in the play .
25 Despite great advances in differential diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence in the past 25 years the handicap that it imposes on the sufferer has not been explored to any extent , nor has the way in which help has been sought and the effectiveness of such help .
26 Above all , he criticizes the ways in which Hegel reduces the diverse historical totality of a society to a single internal principle , so that history occurs only through the principle of contradiction in the dialectic .
27 The author explains the various theories of how the lexicon is organized and illustrates the ways in which theory has been applied in both teaching materials and reference books .
28 A second project will consider the way in which housing supply relates to different conditions found in different local areas eg land availability , the political complexion of local councils , and so on .
29 A comparison with wet nursing shows up certain similarities , not least because it highlights the way in which fashion , prejudice , and moral attitudes dictate what are the perceived duties of motherhood .
30 It 's important for you to know the ways in which Martin Ayling tried to save the paper and to protect its future if he had to sell . ’
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