Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] in this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Keeping the thumb in this position gives strength to the fist and prevents the thumb from sticking out or catching on something during a fight , and fracturing or breaking .
32 But the overriding consideration , in the opinion of myself and my colleagues , is the importance of keeping the judiciary in this country insulated from the controversies of the day .
33 The Designers — RSCG Conran Design — explain how they have addressed the problem in this issue .
34 What malicious devil had turned the conversation in this direction ?
35 The Home Secretary 's statement when announcing the new Bill was quite blunt about the purpose of structuring the Bill in this way .
36 The Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that , if the law did try to restrict the offence in this way , it would inevitably legalize some cases which should remain contrary to the law .
37 Treasury stringency , however , left no option but to restrict the pension in this way .
38 At which , after an ovation , half the audience did depart to hear Michael Heseltine , whose idea of a fringe meeting is to hold it in the Grand Theatre , which is very grand , built 1906 , seats 1,200 , and where Alvin Stardust will head the bill in this year 's pantomime .
39 Having done the climb in this manner , Dave thought the route unjustified in this state , feeling that as the pegs deteriorated with age no-one would repeat it .
40 There is no question of doubt that this Government caused the recession in this country .
41 Now , you can give the answer in this form you need n't write it out in full .
42 Kron describes the system in this way :
43 Heyndrickx issued a statement on Feb. 21 saying that " the clinical and toxicological study show clearly that chemical bombs have gassed the population in this region , recently and for many years " .
44 ‘ I believe when Teddy was acting the goat in this house the Princess of Wales was carrying Queen Maud of Norway as she now is . ’
45 as to cheerfulness of character , I really think that any unprejudiced person would come to the conclusion that , if compared with the Post-office , the Museum , the Palace , or even the Board of Trade or Whitehall Chapel , my design would carry the palm in this respect .
46 The African is as strong as a ploughox , each man can do the work in this clime of two or three of men like us .
47 These features are of secondary importance in searching the database in this assignment .
48 Yet to characterise the development in this fashion is too simplistic since at different times there have been offshoots , modifications and borrowings from different countries and even within them .
49 What is at issue is whether young children begin by addressing the problem in this way or whether they approach grammatical competence via a circuitous route which begins with pre-verbal social interaction .
50 What we do have and have had for a long time in this country is an acceptance within our law and an acceptance within our definitions of freedom that there are responsibilities with freedom and those responsibilities in this particular case , we have long accepted the argument in this country , maybe not as much as erm , well more in fact than some of our colleagues abroad and maybe they could learn from us from this , but it is not acceptable to have the freedom to be unnecessarily cruel and in fox hunting we have a sport that is unnecessarily cruel , there are ways in which you can deal with rogue foxes , there are ways in which you can actually ensure that the fox community does not destroy the whole , er farming countryside .
51 I welcome the recommendation in this report that income generating programmes for children need consideration but with great care in their design .
52 I hope the coverage in this edition of AEA Times and in future will demonstrate we recognize the difficult questions and are working hard , involving a large number of people to develop the answers . ’
53 If you wish to discuss your pension needs call in at your local Midland branch or complete the coupon in this leaflet and we will provide you with a personal illustration of the benefits available to you .
54 But , in contrast , they may partly see the ad in this way a number of times during quite a short period .
55 Nicky Walker falls into that category , too , and Roxburgh observed that he had ‘ no worries ’ over blooding the goalkeeper in this match .
56 Singapore has made significant efforts to corner the market in this type of specialised service company , as well as offering special incentives to the financial services sector .
57 You can see how Dorothy Sayers did it by having the victim being supposed to be actively painting when in fact he was dead , and it is by using some such piece of lateral thinking , making the victim provide the alibi in this instance , that the trick is probably most easily brought off .
58 Government redistribution of income from A and B towards C , within limits , raises the utility in this society of some well-off but malicious and envious individuals !
59 In describing the work in this text , however , it is intended to avoid a formal mathematical treatment .
60 He says there are a number of ecological as well as economic reasons — it 's a longer , stronger tougher fibre — it makes a longer-lasting paper and it makes economic sense to grow the material in this country rather than importing it .
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