Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] of [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , we do not know the time of year when Lady Godiva is supposed to have ridden out .
2 The establishment of the idea that the telling of the truth is thus subject to standards set by the use of a volume which is part history and part fiction , is almost tantamount to condoning the telling of untruths when the ritual is omitted , or at least making it much easier to justify such behaviour .
3 Then came the day of joy when doctors at Newcastle upon Tyne General Hospital said they did not expect any more problems .
4 Mike Eveling , of the Inland Revenue , said : ‘ If we iron out problems now we will reduce our own workload by cutting the number of appeals when the values are announced . ’
5 : United Kingdom courts have a convention that judges exclude evidence and refuse to allow the cross-examination of witnesses when the authorities ( often on the decision of the intelligence services ) claim that reference to it would be ‘ prejudicial to the national interest ’ .
6 The findings of this research will be embodied in a microcomputer program to allow policy analysts to investigate the effect of policies when such a general view of poverty is adopted .
7 When Simon pressed and won his claim for an assistant inspector to supervise the national vaccination scheme in 1871 , the current permanent secretary , Ralph Lingen , issued a general warning in the accompanying minute : ‘ I do not know who is to check the assertion of experts when the government has once undertaken a class of duties which none but such persons understand . ’
8 This explains the sense of invasion when miners , or weavers , came in force to the market towns : Cornish tinners into Truro , Penryn or Penzance ; Kingswood colliers into Bristol or those of Bedworth into Coventry .
9 It took me a few minutes to get the hang of things when I put the Legend through an amp .
10 The existence of ceilings and floors can help to explain the regularity of cycles when c and v are such that , without these constraints , cycles would be explosive .
11 I hope that these factors , together with custodianship and more willingness to look at open adoption by the judiciary as well as by social workers , will diminish the number of occasions when adoptive placements have to be made against the wishes of the natural parents , and/or children .
12 Too often I was asked to bowl defensively , brought into the attack to stop the flood of runs when batsmen were giving us a caning .
13 This benefit allows you to deduct the years when you were required to give up work from the normal qualifying period for a basic pension and so , in effect , shorten the number of years when you would otherwise have been required to make contributions .
14 And Dunlop 's string with a score already well into the thirties for the season knows the time of day when assessing its youngsters .
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