Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 1776 The Meeting stent themselves with the Expence of Building the Timber Bridge over the water of Duich performed by Hugh McKay £6 ; 0:0 .
2 The Duke told him he had given the trees priority over the house because they took longer to become established , but Kalm drily commented in his diary that his wealth was such that he could have built ‘ a most handsome castle in one year or less ’ .
3 It was constructed by Telford ( q.v. ) in 1796 to carry the Shrewsbury Canal over the River Tern , and was very much a piece of engineering experiment at the time , to be carried to glorious triumph in the simultaneous building of the great aqueduct at Pont Cysyllte ( q.v . ) .
4 North-east of the town is the Lune Aqueduct , built in 1797 to carry the Lancaster Canal over the river .
5 Lay the weaving yarn over the selected needles , with the end which is joined to the ball or cone at the opposite side to the carriage .
6 Mid Hants Railway are making an impassioned plea to the public to support the steam attraction over the Easter .
7 The Atari ST has dominated the 16-bit market over the last couple of years as a ‘ dual purpose ’ machine .
8 With 1in of the plastic tube above ground level , place the cross piece over the tube , teeth facing downwards , and hammer the cross and tube flush with ground level .
9 Pursuing a focused commercial strategy while effectively managing the nuclear liabilities has been central to our implementation of the Pushing the Limits strategy over the last three years .
10 Once Adam had flashed his passport as a European Community resident , the reception clerk at the Bellevue had simply pushed the register card over the desk and asked the Englishman how he was going to settle the account .
11 He would watch the sun rise over the North Sea .
12 But the road that ran from the town , called Théovard , by-passed Les Glycines five hundred yards to the north , and we dismounted rather than run the motor cycle over the pitted lane .
13 At the end of some noisy haggling he had ended up paying the driver way over the odds .
14 Of all the risks that face the world economy over the next few months , the most easily avoidable is this threat of trade war .
15 The plan is to grow the lawnmower business over the next couple of years and then float the shares to raise cash to add in a few operations that are less seasonal , and less weather-dependent .
16 Carefully lift the pastry lid over the pie using a rolling pin to support and arrange over the cherries .
17 Attorney General Acisclo Valladares Molina announced on Aug. 17 that seven members of the military , including a naval captain — the commander of the important Military Base of the Pacific — could face the death penalty over the killing of 11 people on Aug. 9 in the southern department of Escuintla .
18 By this stage the fielding captain has been compelled to resort to his second and third string bowlers , keeping his main strike men back to stem the batting slog over the last 10 overs .
19 There were two specific worries — the lack of management experience and the extraordinary Golden Share proposal , giving the Founders power over the financial control of the company .
20 Pour the barbecue sauce over the spare ribs .
21 Has each unit assessed the workload distribution and prepared a profile which reflects the workload distribution over the 24-hour 7-day span of activity ?
22 Philip pulled the camouflage net over the entrance .
23 The penalty , if Belfast loses , is to fly the Rostock flag over the city comes up trumps , Rostock will have to fly the Belfast flag over its city hall .
24 While he spent the first month of his new appointment easing himself in and still nipping up to Edinburgh to round off one or two NHS tasks from London ( where he kept his home and from which he was commuting during his health job ) , many of the key decisions affecting the telecommunications industry over the next year or so have already been taken , so the learning curve will not have to be so dramatics last time .
25 It was already nightfall when Whitlock crossed the Heuss Bridge over the Rhine and turned the Golf Corbio into Rampenstrasse , his eyes screwed up behind his tinted glasses as he tried to distinguish the numbers , many of them faded and indistinct , on the rows of warehouses lining the river bank .
26 I saw the glass case over the mantle , filled .
27 She was accustomed to exercise for , each morning for the past two weeks , Sharpe had saddled her at three o'clock , then ridden her south to watch the dawn break over the Sambre valley , but this morning , hearing the crackle of musketry to the east , he had ridden the mare much further than usual .
28 Now in the care of a young Englishman , Jonathan Pease , at Chantilly , Golden Pheasant inflicted Nashwan 's only defeat when he took the Prix Niel over the Arc course and distance three weeks ago and , being lightly raced , he looks capable of improvement .
29 HEALTH MINISTERS met secretly at Chevening last week to agree a strategy for winning the propaganda battle over the Government 's NHS changes .
30 JOHN MAJOR sought to break the Cabinet deadlock over the pit closure programme yesterday as Conservative rebels piled pressure on ministers to save at least half the threatened collieries .
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