Example sentences of "[verb] a long [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Outdoor Action writer Paul Traynor is tackling a long backpacking trip along Italy 's northern Apennines — the country 's spinal mountain chain .
2 Then fear overcame curiosity and he scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees and gouged a long deep gash along the inside of his forearm .
3 They drew a long covert upwind between Queen Hoo Hall and Bramfield .
4 If the Government listens to tomorrow 's debate in the House of Lords , the region so-called new age travellers can a expect a long hot summer of evictions .
5 He had a taxi waiting , and on arrival we found a long cloth-draped table in the centre of the room , around which were seated what seemed to be the entire Chinese population of the city — some 30 Chinese , mainly from laundries and restaurants .
6 She wore another severe suit , grey this time over a white blouse , but perhaps in honour of the occasion had added a long twisted rope of coral , pearls and crystal .
7 In Holland , STIVA has a long established reputation for helping young people to drink responsibly .
8 Called Myrmecobius , it has a long thin snout for poking into ants ' nests , and a long sticky tongue with which it mops up its prey .
9 Hardly had her damson-dripping fingers scooped a long white furrow from her thigh to her breast before the blackness would swirl back over it .
10 On the fourth day he received a long chatty letter from Eleanor .
11 ‘ In the end Becky helped me to choose a long beaded dress with a side-split and see-through sleeves .
12 From then on , the walk was far less interesting : we passed the Bishops Wordsworth School Sports Field then came a long dull stretch to The Rose and Crown , that always looked decrepit until renovation in the ‘ thirties .
13 Then came a long anxious wait in the foyer oft he Great Southern Hotel .
14 They went two stops to where Alice had seen a long low bridge along a main road over railway lines .
15 Although conventional wisdom sees a long royal minority as the most daunting prospect any medieval state might face , in many respects a short minority posed more intractable problems .
16 Although conventional wisdom sees a long royal minority as the most daunting prospect any medieval state might face , in many respects a short minority posed more intractable problems .
17 Has he got a long brown habit on ?
18 And it was apparently during that hospital visit that Ross and his brother had had a long serious talk about what would be best for the children .
19 We had had a long wet day on the moors but in the late afternoon the weather cleared .
20 Perhaps one day some brave soul will make a long legal journey to the House of Lords and persuade them to change their minds .
21 Erm it 's , it 's , negative numbers are n't a natural thing , fractions are actually easier and that was what happened in the history of mathematics , fractions were developed a long long time before negative numbers , the old Greeks used to play about with fractions quite a lot .
22 Vanessa produced a long black rod with a transparent sphere attached to the end .
23 I got a long bright beam from the shiny eyes .
24 With a slender sharp knife , make a long diagonal stab in the turkey breast , going with the grain of the meat .
25 He was wearing a long woolly pullover with hedgehogs all over it , nothing else .
26 She is wearing a long fitted skirt of khaki .
27 After the floods caused by the thaw , Oxfordshire enjoyed a long dry spell of weather , with strong , drying winds .
28 He was lucky to be spared a long fuddled decline into the garbage heap .
29 See after a breast operation does it take a long long time with stitches ?
30 That is when we realised that the materialistic gap between the rich and poor was indeed nothing compared to the wide gulf in understanding , and that the understanding of health problems in this country would take a long painstaking process of re-accumulating the evidence .
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