Example sentences of "[verb] a [adj] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , supply-side doctrine provided a theoretical underpinning for the main thrust of his economic strategy .
2 Unfortunately the third sentence sends us reeling back to square one in terms of methodological confusion : we are now told that just because Keynes had tried to provide a theoretical underpinning for the concept of involuntary unemployment does not , ipso facto , oblige subsequent theorists to ‘ 'explain ’ the theoretical constructs of our predecessors ' .
3 The budget , of course , also has a major bearing on the level of next year 's Poll Tax bills .
4 Though phrasing is sympathetic , and Masur allows a natural easing for the third theme in the first movement , this is not among warmer readings of this much recorded work .
5 Their success attracted a worldwide following as the Lisbon Lions and their successors dominated Scottish football for more than a decade .
6 He 'd noticed a slight waning in the receipts on Sex of One … though I think it was just the power crisis and the railways .
7 He had briefly been involved with the Logical Positivists of the Vienna Circle and developed a strong leaning toward the importance of systematic empirical observation as the cornerstone of the scientific method , and a corresponding dislike of abstracted theorising and metaphysical speculation .
8 Roland felt a strange pricking at the base of his neck .
9 This type of plan is know as I think B is the answer , you know , of anybody got that wrong I think a severe smacking on the head is probably due .
10 Your rank as senior designer warrants a certain waiving of the formalities . ’
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