Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun] but [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hereford cider producers Bulmers had been rumoured to be considering a bid but in the end have apparently not tendered an offer , fearing a referral by the Office of Fair Trading to the Monopolies Commission .
2 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
3 At the ensuing parliament in April 1254 clerical proctors armed with plenary powers did attend and offered a grant but on a condition which the king found unacceptable : that he should remedy their grievances .
4 A similar incident occurred with me in 1983 between Australia and Argentina from even further out from the goal-line , and on that occasion I felt Australia would definitely have scored a try but for a deliberate knock-on by the defenders and awarded a penalty try .
5 The term ‘ community ’ implies a diversity but at the same time a certain organized uniformity in the units .
6 The first edition , produced last March , contained 11 opportunities generating 15 enquiries — ‘ which may not seem a lot but in the context of the Scottish market , and the quality criteria we imposed , is impressive ’ — and with second going out to intermediaries — ‘ apart from not being allowed under the Financial Services Act to sent it out to the business community generally , we want to maintain the quality of submissions received ’ — in the last fortnight , Hally sees no reason for second thoughts .
7 And I had a script but after a while you do n't you set that aside and use your own style .
8 Male broodiness is not manifested in the need to make a child but in the need men have to remake themselves .
9 Though this is not to say that abortion is a topic to be taken lightly as it is a human life a woman is dealing with and I think she should think carefully about all her options before she makes a decision but in the end it is her baby and up to her what happens .
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