Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Sixth sense for smack ; would n't know a Poussin if it moved in next door and fucked his daughter .
2 I can remember one standard lamp we had , it was really weird and people used to say that 'll be alright if you were landing a plane cos it had spotlights , I mean now , they , erm , in fact you can still buy the same sort of thing , but then it was so way out
3 This was a sort of Blue Peter for the gastronomically challenged for the clumsy truth is , of course , that either Mr Mayle or the adaptor of his book feared that WE would n't recognise a truffle if it crawled up our trouser leg .
4 Dropped a tile and it pierced it right the way through .
5 No creature , Sartori had taught , passed through this Dominion unrecorded , even to the least — to the child that perished a heart-beat after it opened its eyes , the child that died in the womb , drowned in its mother 's waters — even that unnamed thing had its record and its consequence .
6 He could not guarantee he would be able to deliver it on the day and she billed it as a surprise film so she could show a reserve if it failed to arrive .
7 Lotus is believed to have devoted $30m over four years developing a database that it cancelled in 1989 — just before it bought a 15% stake in Sybase Inc , sold again in 1992 .
8 All I could do was write a letter , and by the time I 'd written a letter and it got where it was going and a reply got back , a week or two weeks could have gone by .
9 Teesside magistrates heard how the two Middlesbrough men used an electronic tagging device to track a terrier as it bore down on badgers in a well known sett .
10 Quality control had become terribly sophisticated during the er war time era When i a people realized it actually took longer to inspect a bullet than it did to manufacture it .
11 To liberate desire from oppression is not — could never be — a matter of resuming or regaining a desire/subjectivity as it existed prior to discrimination .
12 Thus we 've never considered it right to hand out cheques on a mere whim , deciding to sponsor a project , or support a charity because it happened to be the flavour of the month , or because a director had some some particular keen interest in it .
13 Her napkin had been folded to resemble a half-shell and it stood upright , unsupported .
14 Jenkins shoved me into a chair , then twisted a desklamp until it shone in my face .
15 So there came a point when it made sense to change that particular balance .
16 Chesarynth felt conspicuous ; people around were staring at them , but it was the first time in her weary day 's travel that she had seen a box and it called to the echoes of firesong that the one on the Moon had left in her mind .
17 She said she 'd seen a spaceship and it had frightened her . ’
18 He submitted that the order itself had made a compromise because it contained the words ‘ counterclaim withdrawn ’ and because it dealt with the rent so that the plaintiffs had no further claim in respect of it .
19 Boenninghausen had previously produced a repertory but it contained many more remedies under each heading than Kent 's repertory , which is easier to use .
20 Anyway , the Masai threw a spear and it struck the DO . ’
21 And if anybody had got a cow and it calved , we used to go to him and say could we have the beastlings , please .
22 I noticed Nick Faldo was pulling a trolley and it made me curious .
23 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
24 This man , who told Huy that he only went to the place to drink , never having had a problem when it came to finding a girl , was looking urgently for somebody to work on his paperbeating team as one of his men had died suddenly from river fever .
25 The societies , plus Abbey National — which became a bank when it floated in 1989 — currently have a market share of about 85% , with banks and centralised lenders such as The Mortgage Corporation accounting for most of the remaining 15% .
26 Brazil made a start when it set up its Grupo Interministerial in 1986 , with representatives from planning , Industry and Commerce , Finance , Science and Technology .
27 Only the wind made a sound as it streamed along the sides of the Rover and poured through the open windows .
28 The last English case in point is Twyford v. Manchester Corporation [ 1946 ] Ch. 236 , a decision by Romer J. The corporation owned a cemetery and it charged the plaintiff , a monumental mason , fees for permission to cut , recut , repaint and regild inscriptions on monuments and stones in the cemetery .
29 I would have been here sooner but one of our carriage horses slung a shoe and it took four hours to find a smith .
30 The strikes ended on Jan. 23 , the day on which the government rushed legislation through the People 's Assembly enshrining the right to strike , but obliging workers to give 15 days ' notice of stoppages , and authorizing the Assembly to suspend a stoppage if it threatened the national interest .
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