Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] in [det] way " in BNC.

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1 Few of us felt any sympathy for them , because apart from the beatings which we had received on their accounts , we all knew the rules by now , and being caught and failing in any way was wrong .
2 It was in fact Jean-Eugène Leons of the Worms Corporation who was fined and sentenced in this way .
3 Money is lent and borrowed in this way on the interbank market .
4 An average of 52 drivers , or 3.2 per cent of those stopped and humiliated in this way were found to give a positive reading .
5 The troops that form the detachment are chosen from the army list in the usual way , and they may be armed and equipped in any way permitted by the army list .
6 However strange this may seem within the modern formula of the artist as free creative individual , there can be no real doubt that major art , of certain kinds , was produced and sustained in these ways .
7 In Britain the revelation that the correspondence of Mazzini , the Italian nationalist leader then a refugee in London , was being opened and read in this way produced strong criticism in parliament and the press .
8 Listening involves hearing what is left unsaid as well as the words actually spoken and to hear in that way requires the sort of attention that , sadly , we may rarely offer to our own nearest and dearest .
9 ( The " Smuggling " example in the section on " Starting Points " could be adapted and work in this way . )
10 The essence of this theory might be borrowed and adapted in this way .
11 This neat little gadget replaces the old cotton reel studded with nails and is a quick and easy way to produce knitted cords and braids , which can them be combined and used in many ways , such as trimmings , toys appliqué and jewellery .
12 The pixels which make up an image on a digitized computer screen are like building blocks which can be coloured and combined in any way the operator 's computer , competence and ingenuity allow .
13 Invulnerability may be achieved and expressed in several ways , of which one is the flight into creativity .
14 You know , as much as all this GCSE business is a step in the right direction now , it all stems from this post-Renaissance business about compartmentalizing the arts and sciences , and how that 's reflected in societal terms , and this rather pathetic need to grade and assess in this way .
15 The alert and attentive reader , however , usually brings critical attention to what is being read and reacts in some way .
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