Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [adv] for the " in BNC.

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1 Lady Grace bridal gowns from Sposa Bella Manufacturing Ltd are designed and made especially for the larger bride in sizes 18–30 .
2 ‘ I tried so hard , you see , to give him extra attention — extra love — to try and make up for the loss of Maman .
3 17.18 All pupils should be expected to keep a file containing work in progress , as well as completed pieces , which may need to be selected and filed separately for the purposes of moderation and final assessment .
4 It requires an adult to participate and stay up for the night .
5 ‘ An alternative theory is that the killer knocked him out first , then went into the washroom to strip and came back for the final throat-cutting before Berowne had a chance to come round .
6 The first trick is to get left of the chockstone and stop in the Jacuzzi Pool , next , to pivot and line up for the exit slot which is only 2½ ft–3ft wide in a foaming pool whose diameter is only 18 ins more than a boat 's length .
7 We 'll plot and plan together for the day when it 's opportune to strike ! ’
8 When the attack ceased they managed to cannibalize parts to get one truck going and set off for the rendezvous with Fraser , only to find nobody there .
9 We live , act , move , are temporarily satisfied , enjoy and suffer principally for the satisfaction of desire .
10 From a wizened dried up body which was buried in the sand some 5000 years ago to the amazing unwrapped mummy of Ramses the Great , one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs , Mummies and Magic has recreated and brought together for the first time in one exhibition , some of the most important Royal Mummies and funerary treasures .
11 The blonde girl nodded and headed swiftly for the stairs .
12 In some respects Kerrier may have constituted an exception , yet although the mean of £4.4 per head may need scaling down to take account of the multitude of labourers discovered and roped in for the subsidy , upwards of seven-tenths of the assessments made in 1522 were at £2 — £4 .
13 Do , do , do , do try and come home for the season .
14 The section only applies to public houses ( for meaning of " public house , " see s.139(1) ) in respect of which applications for Sunday opening have not been granted under Sched. 4 , and , in respect of which , part of the premises have been adapted and set aside for the provision of the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening or both , The procedure for applying the section to the premises is similar to the procedure under 5,57 , Before a licence-holder can apply the section to his premises , he has to obtain a declaration of satisfaction from the licensing board that part of his premises are adapted and used or intended to be used for habitually providing the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening and that the adapted part does not contain a bar counter ( subs .
15 Zipped up the inside , and with a squared off toe , it was the last word in futuristic chic that was to be adapted and toned down for the mass market .
16 More than 350 fabric swatches were knitted and photographed especially for the book , many of them the author 's own invention .
17 You should land ready to fight and watch out for the opponent 's foot sweep .
18 He was already in so far he could not find his depth , and he wanted to turn and strike back for the shore , but , like an unpractised swimmer , found that the distance he had come was too great for him to return .
19 Amnesty International considers Jampa Ngodrup to be a prisoner of conscience , detained and sentenced solely for the peaceful exercise of his right freely to receive and impart information .
20 In Levene v Pearcey [ 1976 ] Crim LR 63 , a taxi-driver falsely told his passenger that the route was blocked and charged more for the longer way .
21 Er they would n't go and sit down for the story with all the other children sit at , sat on my knee on the floor for a short while .
22 There was the evening meal to prepare and Rachel to wash , feed and settle down for the night .
23 And he sent them to Bethlehem and said , ‘ Go and search diligently for the young child ; and when ye have found him , bring me word again , that I may come and worship him also . ’
24 It 's like the little one said last , she said , can we come and stay here for the weekend you know , and stay up in Aunty Bonnie 's room , they call upstairs , and Margaret 's face she said , well er , my god she 's got some good stuff up there you know , furniture
25 Of the six local children cast and trained especially for the production , eight-year-old Eve Macdonald makes a cute Gretl .
26 And as the afternoon wore on , she relaxed and talked freely for the first time in weeks .
27 Helena Swanwick became a close friend of C. P. Scott [ q.v. ] and his wife Rachel , and over the next eighteen years wrote and reviewed regularly for the Manchester Guardian on domestic and feminist subjects and gardening .
28 He lived and played and wrote and toured frenetically for the next couple of years , working night and day — with just a little help from Benzedrine , Methedrine , and anything else that would speed him up or slow him down .
29 Not the actual shots , those the Director decides and works out for the style they 're going to shoot in .
30 It pays to research and prepare thoroughly for the bargaining process ; find out as much as possible about your own bargaining power and the situation of the other party .
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