Example sentences of "[verb] of the [noun] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It is evident that Polybius self-consciously turned this meeting Into a Socratic episode , and Paul Friedlander was reminded of the opening scene of the " Greater Alcibiades " ( Am .
2 The account I have given of the Zuwaya image of statelessness is a composite , created from local materials , arranged in a pattern which is partly determined by academic culture and expectations , partly by the need to translate Zuwaya understanding for non-Libyans .
3 His handling of the camera is also drained of the documentary information of his earlier work , but it has possibly become more truthful as an interpretation of Berlin .
4 I mean you still write one over resistance but do n't think of the resistance part of it , think of the new one over as a separate entity .
5 Tolkien too might think of the Norse legend of the ‘ Undying Lands ’ , the Odáinsakr : when King Hadding reached its boundary the witch who guided him killed a cock and threw it over the wall — a moment later he heard the cock crow before he himself had to turn away and go back to mortality .
6 Such is fame : our exploit brought us international mention with a few lines by the Canadian Press but our feat was not mentioned in Robert Ripley 's ‘ Believe It or Not ’ column , and we had never heard of the Guinness Book of Records in those early days .
7 If Bowe can not agree terms to fight Lewis by January 2 he will be stripped of the WBC version of the title and the crown will go to Lewis , who would then be told to make a mandatory defence against America 's Tony Tucker .
8 If Bowe can not agree terms to fight Lewis by January 2 he will be stripped of the WBC version of the title and the crown will go to Lewis , who would then be told to make a mandatory defence against America 's Tony Tucker .
9 Bowe will be stripped of the WBC version of his title if he fails to agree to honour his contract for a defence against Lewis by January 2 — having already turned down what Lewis termed as a ‘ smack in the face ’ offer to fight him for $3 million .
10 It had already been stripped of the lighting side of its business , the more profitable side , and now the tramway undertaking was to be absorbed into the unified transport system , of which so much had been heard .
11 Hard currency earnings therefore consist of the intermediary percentage of the contractual total and derive from the compensation of the side issuing an invitation .
12 He was writing of the London suburb of Hornsey but the same phenomenon was observable in Paris , New York , Tokyo , and Moscow .
13 In reality , from the study of the videotapes made of the language performance of most of the 150 people who took part , the language level actually being achieved did not bear a great similarity to the BSL as used by deaf people .
14 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what assessment he has made of the effect implementation of the EC social charter would have on unemployment in the United Kingdom .
15 In the second most reported rape trial of the year , six youths were accused of the gang rape of two schoolgirls .
16 The youth is accused of the shotgun killing of legal clerk Amaranath Bandaratilleke at a newsagent 's shop in Hammersmith , west London , on February 22 .
17 Because of the finite resistance of the secondary winding it will be necessary to balance the bridge for more than one value of R 1 in order to find M. Balancing for several values of R 1 permits a graph to be drawn of the balance value of R 3 versus .
18 The floor and ceiling were flat , and the walls were corrugated , except on the side that consisted of the canvas covering of the back of the wagon .
19 He knew of the coup attempt of seven weeks earlier and he had heard the rumour that nine Air Force officers had been put to death .
20 He spoke of the research evidence of the few people who are gi who are given money for care , taken up after the settlement of their cases and added his own experience .
21 A. rooted vole molar showing chipping of edges and pitting and flaking of the enamel surface ( ×25 ) ; B. enlargement of same ( ×45 ) ; C. tip of lower incisor showing chipping of edges of enamel and pitting and flaking of the enamel surface ( ×20 ) ; D. enlargement of same ( ×75 ) ; E. shrew mandible showing pitting of bone surface near the alveolar border and flaking of the enamel surface of the teeth ( ×40 ) ; F. enlargement of the anterior tooth ( ×165 ) ; G. shaft of limb bone showing pitting and flaking of the surface ( ×12 ) ; H. enlargement of same ( ×112 ) .
22 It is hard to decide whether the result is better seen as self-indulgent twaddle , or , as Robert Lowell said of the Oxford Book of Modern Verse : ‘ Maybe it 's the ultimate Larkin poem ’ , so maybe this is the supreme Ted Hughes fiction .
23 This would allow flattening of the dip angle of a detachment structure at higher crustal levels .
24 Perhaps they are thinking of the soaraway end of the market ?
25 Perhaps they are thinking of the soaraway end of the market ?
26 A separately insured item will be an actual total loss when the subject matter of insurance is destroyed or where the Policyholder is irretrievably deprived of the subject matter of insurance .
27 Jaq knew that she was an initiate of the Callidus Shrine of the Assassins — speciality : cunning — and the experiment in the Callidus medical laboratory perhaps marked a perilous , agonizing zenith of dissimulation .
28 The organisers say genuine native American Indians approve of the Gloucestershire version of the Pow Wow .
29 Their pen pals include Ernest ’ The Wizard ’ Downs , aged 41 , convicted of the contract killing of a banker .
30 Terry Roach , 41 , convicted of killing a police officer by running him over in a truck , serving life in the Phillips Correctional Institution , Georgia and Michael Hamilton , aged 40 , convicted of the contract killing of his wife , sentenced to death in the gas chamber at San Quentin .
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