Example sentences of "[verb] of [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In April 1912 , the possibility was considered of running trolleybuses between the ‘ Angel ’ Benhilton and the ‘ California Arms ’ , Belmont , part of the route originally proposed and vetoed by Sutton Council .
2 In the previous year , 1977 , a group of linguistics including , , ( of Brown University ) , , and myself met in Oslo and founded the International Computer Archive of Modern English , an organization to develop and promote the use of computer corpora such as the LOB Corpus , the Brown Corpus , and the London-Lund Corpus ( this last consisting of spoken texts of the Survey of English Usage ) .
3 This reluctance has been overcome in some areas by the setting up of ‘ Liaison Committees ’ i.e. informal committees usually consisting of local representatives from the environmental services committee , officers from the environmental health department , the Health and Safety Executive , local residents and local industry .
4 To facilitate this , a Steering Committee was set up consisting of senior members of the relevant departments to oversee the development and decide or recommend courses of action on major policy areas .
5 For the Army Commander , ensconced at Noailles , life had become extremely leisurely , consisting of daily rides in the beautiful forest .
6 Even in her later years she worked on film and television projects as well as with a US daily radio commentary , The Best Years , consisting of homely reminiscences about the elderly .
7 In the early 1780s Viennese society had not yet been drained of financial resources by the long and debilitating war against the Turks , and every aristocrat of note supported some kind of musical establishment , offering a performer such as Mozart plenty of opportunity to give concerts and play at salons .
8 The researchers will meet with current historians to find out what use they make of past records with the aim of anticipating the requirements of future historians .
9 The first aim of the NVALA was to establish a Viewers ' and Listeners ' Council which would consist of elected representatives of the ‘ churches , women 's organisations , magistrates , doctors , educationalists , parents , youth , social workers , police , political parties , local government and writers ’ .
10 Rubbish tips nowadays often consist of large holes in the ground ( such as disused quarries ) which are being filled in , and which are gigantic versions of the rubbish pits found on archaeological sites .
11 If it is meaningful to say " the same colour " , then it is so only on condition that we can meaningfully speak of different specimens of the colour in question , or , at the very least , of different occasions on which this colour is talked about , or referred to as the " same " .
12 Judicial sources said the arrests were made in connection with Fiat 's Cogefar-Impresit construction arm , which is suspected of illegal dealings in the building of Milan 's metro railway .
13 As a result of investigations which began in 1989 against officials suspected of corrupt practices under the administration of the previous President , Jaime Lusinchi , a senator and former Minister of the Interior and of Development , José Angel Ciliberto , was on Jan. 27 , 1990 , stripped of parliamentary immunity as a prelude to facing charges of misuse of government funds .
14 Rather , individual studies have been made of certain types in the reports on the excavation of cemeteries .
15 For example , ‘ polythene ’ is made of long chains of the small molecule called ethylene — polymerized ethylene .
16 A study was made of various options for the future of the laboratory and it was decided to diversify into commercial work of both a non-nuclear and an applied nuclear nature .
17 According to David Hume , the subject of the next chapter , Berkeley 's account of abstract ideas was ‘ one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters ’ .
18 An assessment will be made of geographical variations in the importance of game management and of the relative importance of the game industry for different social groupings .
19 Before examining the use made of hospitals , it is important to look at the use made of preventive services in the community .
20 The most imaginative records ever made of English motets from the age of Byrd are the work of Andrew Parrott 's Taverner Consort , a group fixed in name but always differently constituted in personnel , the number of singers chosen according to the specific task in hand .
21 Extensive use is made of archival materials in the Cambridgeshire Record Office , field work , and census and map data .
22 Leaving aside several other good attempts to explain the difference between causes and causal circumstances and their effects , and also what can be said of great obstacles in the way of these attempts ( Mackie , 1974 , Ch. 7 , 1979 ; Ayer , 1984a ; Sanford , 1976 , 1985 ; Papineau , 1985b ; Honderich , 1986 ) , let us return to and concentrate on our ordinary convictions about the difference .
23 It was frequently said of great men in the ancient world , for example of Plato , that they had had a god for a father and a human mother .
24 A bit more will be said of particular features of the metalinguistic and possible-worlds proposals , but let us first consider something common to both of them and indeed to other proposals .
25 The portrait sometimes drawn of middle-class women of the nineteenth century as proto-modernisers , the forerunners of the sexually liberated American housewife of the late twentieth century , is therefore misleading .
26 She wanted to know what he did with his evenings and was told of occasional visits to the West End now everything in the world of entertainment had opened up once more , but the mess or the local pubs were the usual haunts of his brother officers and himself .
27 Advisers constantly complain of lost files at the Department of Social Security , staff indifference and the difficulty of getting through on the telephone .
28 Another 15–25 per cent consisted of practising members of the liberal professions , i.e. lawyers — though 50 per cent of all members had law degrees , this being the standard educational qualification for public life and administration in most countries .
29 Evaluation of the course consisted of self-administered questionnaires for the children , parental and teacher reaction to the programme and peer review of the video and programme development .
30 What was left of their election reporting consisted of brief clips from the itineraries of the party leaders .
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