Example sentences of "[verb] over [prep] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She tried telling herself that he was just another idle aristocratic adventurer ; she had been looked over by several of the type and others of lesser breeding during her ten years in the public eye at the Fish .
2 They 'll be flown over in one of the biggest movements of horses ever .
3 The relationship between Government educationists and villagers was a political one , and created the seeds of resentment and conflict that eventually spilled over in 1979 with the overthrow of the Shah .
4 Following the establishment of the motor museum , part of the main block was turned over in 1984 to the ‘ Village Life Exhibition ’ .
5 The pair arrived with money and dispatches written in invisible ink that were to be handed over to one of the leaders of the insurrectionary party in Spain , currently conspiring to get rid of the autocratic King Ferdinand and currently enjoying the support of idealistic and poetical young Englishmen .
6 If the sensitivity of our pigments suddenly shifted over to that of the bee 's , the sky would still be reassuringly blue with fluffy white clouds , while nearly everything else would take on a bizarre hue .
7 While Sergeant Bird was in the lecture hall , Montgomery walked over to one of the other statuettes and lifted it a few inches .
8 He walked over to one of the shelves in the end wall and took down a large box-file .
9 He walked over to one of the nurses .
10 He walked over to one of the low , shuttered windows and sat on the sill .
11 ‘ Otherwise she 'd have gone over to one of the boys .
12 ‘ He does n't know your true station , remember , ’ interposed Ellen , lowering her voice and glancing over at one of the tables , where her parent was enjoying a tankard of his own home-brew .
13 and the cars stop , he 'll even go over to one of the cars and if they 've got their window open and just er say can you give me , have you got ten P for me ?
14 They went over to the nearby tea-stall and then , with their glasses of tea , drifted over to one of the trees where a chestnut-seller was just lighting his fire .
15 In fact , Diana 's indignation at Raine simmered for years until finally it boiled over in 1989 at the church rehearsal for her brother 's wedding to Victoria Lockwood , a successful model .
16 IT WAS a full year before he made the break — but eventually , on August 21 , 1984 , he went over to one of the more independent local magazines , Cauce , and asked for its leading journalist Monica Gonzalez .
17 Rosheen went over to one of the light pillars .
18 Another thing that tickled me about that game was that when vinny had got his second he went over to one of the hoardings that had ‘ Alexei Sayle ’ written on it and kicked the shit out of it for some reason ( same goal I think as above )
19 Instead he went over to one of the shelves and pretended to be searching for a book .
20 The building , originally opened in 1899 as the Great Central Hotel , was taken over in 1949 by the British Transport Commission as its headquarters .
21 More recently Marrakesh had been taken over by some of the biggest names in haute couture .
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