Example sentences of "[verb] place over [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The result is that melting takes place over a range of temperatures , and this range is a useful indication of sample crystallinity .
2 Centrepiece of the design is the tall , rectangular flat diaphragm , which , produces all the treble information , and the midband area above 200Hz ( in fact there 's a slow handover which takes place over a matter of octaves ) .
3 As weak springs can only stored a fraction of the potential energy that a strong spring can hold , the remainder is lost as heat and if the change from a strong to a weak spring takes place over a period of time , equivalent to the observation time , then the energy loss is detected as mechanical damping .
4 Instead , a number of small changes in status and recognitions of the progress towards adult status takes place over a number of years .
5 It is possible that the entire text is a combination of description and recollection from the perspective of a single flight , in which case it takes place over the course of a few hours , the time it takes to read it .
6 It now takes place over the weekend of April 24 and 25 .
7 In the U.S. , trading takes place over the counter on the basis of prices quoted on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation ( NASDAQ ) system .
8 Spread is slow and extension may take place over a period of months , even years .
9 Telford 's intensive subject assessment , co-ordinated in college by Fiona Baikie , took place over a fortnight at the end of November 1989 .
10 The rebuilding of the old manor took place over a period of about five years and was probably finished in about 1727 .
11 But the change was n't radical , it took place over a period of er I would suggest er maybe about six or seven years .
12 The biggest event organised by the Trust this year took place over the weekend of 23 and 24 June when the countryside was brought to Salford in Greater Manchester .
13 THE FIRST steam gala that the Birmingham Railway Museum at Tyseley has organised in several years , took place over the weekend of Saturday-Sunday November 28/29th , and was acclaimed as an outstanding success in every respect .
14 Considerable discussion then took place over the remainder of the report , resulting in three divisions and the wording suggested by Elcho being adopted in every case .
15 There is no doubt that the transformation in style and approach which took place with Out in 1964 represents a fundamental reconception of the novel on Brooke-Rose 's part , but the technical and conceptual development which took place over the course of her early fiction points the way to the change to come .
16 The negotiations took place over the course of a year between autumn 1990 and summer 1991 , and could be characterized as the centre progressively conceding to the demands of the republics for more independence .
17 It was at Montreuil in Ponthieu that a series of Anglo-French meetings took place over the issues of sovereignty and homage in 1306 .
18 In the end , the main argument took place over an amendment from Italy that would limit the single assembly to the EEC , WEU and the Council of Europe .
19 In the United States , a complex wrangle is taking place over a range of possible standards .
20 Drambuie 's wine merchant subsidiary , Cockburn 's of Leith , was recently sold off and management buy-out negotiations are currently taking place over the disposal of its Perth-based glass manufacturing subsidiary , Caithness Glass .
21 And I think that the revolution in history which has taken place over the course of the last twenty-five years has been a revolution which has been fuelled by people 's curiosity to study things which previously had not been studied , rather than just to take some formal statement of what seemed to be important , which is what the chroniclers took , or some propaganda statement , which is what the Tudors took and what the seventeenth century historians took , or indeed to write very academic history , which is what professional historians have tended to do , over the course of the last erm forty or fifty years .
22 It made me wonder what changes had taken place over the years with regards to the field .
23 Altogether , tutorials take place over a period of about twenty-four weeks in the last year of a course , and usually by the last twelve tutorials a student has a much clearer idea of what he or she is about .
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