Example sentences of "[noun] says that the [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 Gary says that the game is all about patience and determination and Steve 's got it .
2 Some hyperbole on the dust jacket says that the volume is ‘ essential for professional earth scientists ’ .
3 As to the future , Mr Sandy says that the world is Grant 's oyster .
4 If the building society or bank has agreed to lend you 90 per cent of the purchase price and the surveyor says that the property is worth every bit of the asking price , then you just might go back to the society and ask for 100 per cent , based on the glowing survey report in your hand .
5 A law of American life says that the world is a market , and markets are what you cater to .
6 Things may have gone a bit quiet on Intel Corp 's joint venture with VLSI Technology Inc to develop chips that include iAPX-86 cores for use in handheld devices , but Intel says that the effort is quietly progressing and that early next year it expects to see manufacturers offering small , lightweight hand-held computers based on the new chips ; Intel is currently preparing fully functional samples of the chips for shipment to manufacturers in the second half .
7 ‘ The human says that the end is now near and he is facing a curtain , ’ the Thing translated .
8 They will make up Newbridge 's Vivid line of Asynchronous Transfer Mode products , and the report says that the range is to include a 10Base-T Ethernet hub with an Asynchronous Transfer Mode interface , another 10Base-T hub with local Asynchronous Transfer Mode switching capabilities , and a high-end Asynchronous Transfer Mode local network hub which incorporates integral routing .
9 The voice-over says that the officer is from the Egyptian army .
10 The company says that the product is being pitched particularly at the UK top 400 and US Fortune 1,000 companies .
11 TNO vice-president Arthur Rörsch says that the government is pleased that the centre is valued so highly but that , ‘ against a background of budget cuts , with health budgets particularly under fire , it is not really easy to be optimistic ’ .
12 Honeywell says that the agreement is a long term one , and that it also plans to use Apple 's next generation Macintosh — the one that will use the PowerPC RISC processor , in future generations of the Electronic Library System .
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