Example sentences of "[noun] think [conj] [art] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 In other words , readers will only derive more or less enjoyment by putting the same amount of effort into reading ; and readers think that the author is unconcerned with readerly responses to the text .
2 I do n't particularly like that word , but that 's how she describes herself and it 's great if people think that a tomboy is the best-dressed woman of the moment .
3 People think that the trainspotter is a fool , ’ Paul explains , ‘ but he 's not really , because he 's got romance in his life .
4 Some people think that the Earth is flat .
5 Yet some anglers think that the swing-tip is God 's answer to all indicators .
6 Others think that the obligation is based on the sort of reasons that philosophers have adduced in support of an obligation to obey , which have been refuted by various writers in recent years , and will be briefly considered below .
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