Example sentences of "[noun] must be see [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The implications for social policy are as follows : first , that the main determinants of welfare are economic ; second , that the government 's role in diverting resources into social policies must be seen to be closely interrelated with , even dependent upon , the role it plays in the management of the economy ; third , that social policies will be determined by views about the way the economy does , or should , operate .
2 The lead adviser must be seen to be controlling the progress of the transaction and therefore it is useful to appoint a chairman for each progress meeting which should be attended by the principals and the senior member of each professional team .
3 But the deal must be seen to be fair to all farmers in the United Kingdom because their circumstances vary depending on the country and the area in which they farm .
4 ‘ But you said that morality must be seen to be something superficial . ’
5 It is important , too , that close attention is paid to image building ( e.g. banks and insurance companies must be seen to be stable , reliable institutions , but with a friendly , non-intimidating attitude — an image which banks in particular have spent a lot of money fostering over the past decade ) .
6 Trainees who flunked the examination must be seen to be rebuked .
7 Such textual analysis , undertaken with a feminist pair of eyes , is uncovering the depth at which sexism must be seen to be present in the text .
8 He seems to be saying that the product must be seen to be either cheaper or different if people are to buy it .
9 But it is not enough to do a good job : our professional conduct committees must be seen to be doing a good job .
10 Strategic development plans are best managed as portfolios , that is , during the development period early successes must be seen to be delivered , thus ensuring a continuous flow of systems products to maintain interest and commitment to the system from all users .
11 And the operation must be seen to be multinational , so the UK contingent should ideally be increased to brigade strength — which underlines the case for reprieving the Highland regiments .
12 The Government must be seen to be green .
13 But even Rolls-Royce must be seen to be moving with the times .
14 The links with the sixth form must be seen to be strong 80 that the risk of leakage to the county provision at 16 is minimised .
15 Similarly , any leading capitalist country which wishes to exert hegemonic influence over the other capitalist economies must be seen to be capable of defending those political and strategic interests which its economic supremacy has given it .
16 The condition of a book must be seen to be realised , and condition more than anything else nowadays dictates value and will continue to dictate it .
17 Emphasis must be put on the task , individuals must accept the need to modify their views for its sake , and group effort must be seen to be superior to individual effort .
18 In that event science must be seen to be relevant to the issues which concern them .
19 Serviceable was clothes must be seen to be serviceable .
20 The Government in its wisdom has backed nuclear power , so nuclear power must be seen to be green as well .
21 Mr Andrew Cammish , representing Shaun Williams , had told them : ‘ Justice must be seen to be done as well as be done and it is my duty to bring any particular irregularity to the court 's attention .
22 Justice must be seen to be done , however , and when it had been seen to be done , the miscreants were cheered by a crowd assembled outside the court .
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