Example sentences of "[noun] being [vb pp] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Would I then purchase their goods as a result of a programme being sponsored by that company ?
2 The report also drew attention to the state aid being offered by some countries to larger industries , estimating that the total had reached ECU83,300 million in 1990 , or 2.8 per cent of the EC 's total economy .
3 The teaching methods being developed by this project include the diagnosis of these difficulties and the provision of material enabling pupils to recognise and overcome them .
4 Murphy forgot to a stately and was off the box as nimbly as a boy in order to prevent his precious carriage being invaded by this horde in battered boots and smudged pinafores .
5 PPC : There 's no excuse for that kind of attitude being taken by any sales team .
6 Tempers flared when 25-year-old Craig Mason spotted his girlfriend Kerry McDermott being kissed by another man in a pub .
7 The inflated fee being asked by some clubs for players of ordinary ability is ridiculous . ’
8 These will be used to examine the processes of change in companies and within trade unions and to explore the strategies and logics being used by both parties .
9 German planes used this war as ‘ bloody good practice ’ or exercises in training Nazi airmen for the World War being prepared by both dictators .
10 Among the ideas being floated by those owners who see television as their saviour are an expansion of the National and American leagues from two divisions each to three divisions each ; the introduction of regular season games between clubs in the two leagues ; and the involvement of eight clubs , rather than the present four , in play-off games at the end of the season .
11 A few military theorists — Saxe in his Rêveries ( 1757 ) , Justus Möser in his Patriotische Phantasien ( 1775–1804 ) , Guibert in his Essai générale de tactique ( 1772 ) — as well as political writers such as Montesquieu , Morellet and Mably , might advocate some form of extensive or even universal service ; but there was no serious possibility of their ideas being adopted by any government .
12 That came through their being cooped up at Jerusalem in the persecution which followed on the death of Stephen : as a result of the ordinary followers of Jesus being scattered by that persecution , they were able to preach the good news along the Phoenician seaboard until they came to Antioch , later to become the home of the Gentile mission .
13 Just two hours after being wrenched from his natural mother , we watch little Mohamed Ali being cradled by another mother .
14 the senior positions being occupied by those members who have been in Congress longest .
15 Mr Balfour had ridden on a motor car from Downing Street to the House of Commons , the start being witnessed by several members of the government .
16 A ‘ lady ’ was definable as someone who did no work , hence who ordered someone else to do it , her superiority being established by this relationship .
17 The brief case study of Langside College , Glasgow provided here illustrates both the innovative approach being taken by this college , and the opportunities opened up by general SVQs for the development of partnerships .
18 Youth might have given way reluctantly to late middle-age , but his victims had grown old more gracefully with him , dalliance being preferred by many Tories to oratory .
19 To assist in getting a good fit the Aqua-Pak is also being developed in special sizes to fit ladies and juniors , a welcome trend being adopted by some equipment manufacturers .
20 Everyone accepts that pits will close but there seems little chance of the government being deflected by another rebellion among Tory M Ps .
21 The picture so far presented , of feminism being restrained by this form of response to the women 's movement , is not completely accurate , however .
22 While there are signs that the situation is changing , the reasons for the subject being pervaded by such conservatism and isolationism lie in the history of its development .
23 This is a subject being addressed by all parts of ICI at present .
24 ‘ Absolute horror , and then recognition that it had gone to the parents at the school for which I was responsible , and that this would inevitably result in the headmaster being approached by some parents objecting to having their child in a school with a warden like this .
25 As I mentioned earlier , the saithe or coalfish Gadus virens has long been an important fish in Shetland , the surface-shoaling immatures being utilised by many sea-birds .
26 The rule is that EC competition law takes precedence over UK law , though this has not prevented merger cases being examined by both jurisdictions ( e.g. British Airways/British Caledonian , 1987 ) .
27 What CPRW would like to stress , however , in relation to the application being considered by this Inquiry , is that the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is the only one of the ten parks in existence which has been primarily designated for the superb and largely unspoiled quality of its coastal landscape .
28 The majority of the training programmes specifically for non-professionals were qualification courses ( see Table 8 ) , covering BEC , City and Guilds courses , and Librarianship degree/diploma courses , with SCOTEC courses being mentioned by some authorities .
29 He had a sudden vision of the looms which were used to weave cloth being powered by such machines .
30 The demand may be advertised in one or more newspapers if the demand is for payment of a sum due under a judgment or order and the creditor knows or believes that the debtor has absconded or is keeping out of the way with a view to avoiding service and there is no real prospect of the debt being recovered by any enforcement action .
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