Example sentences of "[noun] being [vb pp] [prep] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That mesh of electrofibres will stimulate excruciating pain signals in all the nerves in your flesh without any physical harm being caused to that flesh .
2 I have always thought that the sweetening of the waters of Marah resulted from the removal of the iron by the coagulation and flocculation of iron/tannin complexes , the tannin being derived from that tree — though I think that he [ Moses ] would have had to have bashed it up a bit first .
3 She felt her legs being secured in that position , so she was doubled over to look like a sandwich .
4 That purpose rapidly became defunct , but the afforestation continued with thousands of acres being planted since that time , at the expense of many of our ancient broadleaved woodlands that nurture diversity .
5 That really made me smile when I thought of this rock'n'roll preamp being used in that situation .
6 Nevertheless , Macmillan had no objection to experimental steps being taken in that direction .
7 Would I then purchase their goods as a result of a programme being sponsored by that company ?
8 They are well equipped — all resourcing being channelled to that age group rather than being dispersed over a wider age group .
9 That came through their being cooped up at Jerusalem in the persecution which followed on the death of Stephen : as a result of the ordinary followers of Jesus being scattered by that persecution , they were able to preach the good news along the Phoenician seaboard until they came to Antioch , later to become the home of the Gentile mission .
10 It was as though he held his breath , his whole being concentrated on that chunk of gleaming piezo quartz centred , as he had told Jezrael , above one of the underground cables laid between Spiderglass Southern and their base on the populated equator .
11 And at Kidlington on the A four two three , Langford Lane 's junction with Banbury Road sees temporary traffic lights for resurfacing prior to the traffic lights being installed at that junction ; some fairly long delays there at the moment .
12 Police believe there are several key factors which link the man being held to that killing :
13 You need people at regional level and at that village level , to advise and suggest how money being allocated for that communities benefit , can be best spent .
14 He said , ’ Abroad , one should pursue policies so that when a citizen of one 's country travels abroad , he is admired by the rest of the world for the policies being pursued in that country . ’
15 The federal commissioner for electricity has announced that the dam will not be built during the present Administration , which comes to an end in late 1994 , although he left open the possibility of the project being revived after that date .
16 An appeal can be marked without significant cost being incurred at that stage and frequently appeals are marked as a holding operation while advice is taken on the prospects of the appeal succeeding .
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