Example sentences of "[noun] how [adv] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Even while the various rugby groups in South Africa are heading for unification , the New Zealand Rugby Football Union still can not quite make up its mind how quickly it should bridge the gap which has existed since the tumultuous Springbok tour of New Zealand in 1981 .
2 Let us bear in mind how much they must have suffered to achieve such beauty .
3 We should like to be constructive and we shall consider with our allies how best we can respond .
4 But no desert when it comes to wild life , for this is the Flow Country where David Bellamy brought to popular attention how deep he could sink as he cavorted from tuft to tuft of floating bog .
5 The au-pair maid went down to the basement and again started plotting with her friend how soon they would have enough money for the fare home to Zurich .
6 Yet when he set off on 20 September 1519 , with a royal mandate to search for a passage through to the Mar del Sur , and thus to determine for certain that the Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains , he had not the foggiest notion how far he might have to travel .
7 ‘ If we can show people how quickly they can get back to work or play sport it can be a terrific boost , ’ says Peter Morton .
8 Well it depends how quickly the poor peasants can achieve more efficiency how quickly they can do that .
9 They did not know at the beginning of the week how much they would bring home at the end .
10 A pro knows within a few yards how far he can hit the ball with each club — unlike the club golfer who has a wide variation from day to day , and even from hole to hole .
11 I will be discussing with the Irish Hockey Union how far I would like to go — and then it will be a matter of reaching a compromise .
12 But it had also been brought home to her with chilling clarity how easily he might have snatched her .
13 They still employed enough hired and expensive help to negotiate for them , but with instructions how far they could go .
14 We invited you to highlight from a list of adjectives how best you would describe our tuition services .
15 She had no idea of course how frequently she might bump into Ven in the short while in which she shared his suite .
16 She would have to tell Andrew how little they could hope from Deer Forest , then or in future times .
17 Further opposition came from those who , no matter how much they might desire British association with their ambitions , saw a free trade area as a retrograde step , and feared its adverse effect upon the ultimate goal of political unity .
18 Once they had established that all men were equal before God and that all men were theoretically capable of finding out , for themselves , what God demanded of them , they could not confine that principle to the religious sphere , no matter how much they may have wanted to .
19 But these are n't word processors , no matter how much they 'd like you to think so .
20 Dr ‘ Patterson ’ … patients here are very much consultant oriented , and no matter how much you may feel you 're on the right lines for treatment , they do expect to go along and see a consultant .
21 No matter how much you might want to .
22 ‘ No , he was already married , you see , a marriage he could never escape from , no matter how much he might have wanted to .
23 The word ‘ championship ’ , however , no matter how much he may have been thinking about it privately , I did not hear from him until much later in the year , when the scales began to tip in his favour .
24 The truth had to be reported , no matter how much it might hurt her to do so .
25 If you 're trying to combine both in your life the chances of your being hit by stress are probably higher-no matter how brilliantly you may have organized the family in your absence — and it is even more important to be able to deal with it .
26 The music and lyrical ideas are the stuff of nightmares , foam-flecked poetic rantings that go for the throat and refuse to let go no matter how hard you may plead .
27 Because he knows that no matter how hard you might try to reach it , no horizon ever gets any closer .
28 But many of the plastics being used in the linings are relatively untried and nobody has any real idea how long they will last .
29 He had no idea how long he would have to wait to marry her , but he was prepared to wait for the rest of his life .
30 We had no idea how long it would take to support ourselves or how far back you need to go in the food chain before you can become organic .
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