Example sentences of "[noun] because it would [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It pointed out , however , that an annotation of the changed sex on the register would not safeguard privacy because it would reveal Rees 's change of sexual identity .
2 The Greens had decided against contesting the two seats because it would cost £1,500 to enter each candidate and the money would probably be lost .
3 If a bird tried to eat one it would get a nasty shock because it would taste foul .
4 The white middle class voted the proposition down three times because it would put $13 on their tax bills .
5 ‘ The morality of the one has determined the morality of the other and the disestablishment of the Church could save the monarchy because it would avoid embarrassment . ’
6 The leaders who went out to any area of European expansion had to make all their own decisions because it would take months , if not years , for their sovereign to reply to any request for instructions .
7 If judges were seen to pick and choose among legislation , enforcing only those statutes they approved , this would defeat the pragmatist 's goal because it would make things not better but much worse .
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