Example sentences of "[noun] may be [adv] different from " in BNC.

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1 The standards acceptable during such an assessment may be considerably different from those required of the final system , so adjust your assessment to the fitness for purpose of the results .
2 It is necessary to be aware that future conditions and demands may be very different from those of the present .
3 Yet lesbian subjects may be more different from each other than they are from many heterosexual women .
4 As we have seen , however , one individual 's goals may be very different from another 's and from those of the organisation as a whole .
5 The communication needed for selling may be rather different from that needed for instructing .
6 Analysing the current is more difficult because what you see on the surface may be very different from what is happening near the river bed .
7 Who gives moral support to whom It seems that patterns of emotional support in crisis situations may be somewhat different from those which I have labelled ‘ routine ’ .
8 The mode of economic production prevalent in a society may be very different from the mode of ideological production , but they can still be said to share certain ingredients .
9 ( This is obviously a better way of measuring recall than merely counting the number of words remembered , although it does have the disadvantage of being a less objective method since the actual wording used by a subject may be very different from that used in the passage . )
10 This naturally produces very large degrees of freedom meaning that even relatively small correlations may be significantly different from zero .
11 As a result , the dietary exposure to pesticides in infants and children may be very different from that of the general population .
12 The classrooms shown on the video may be better resourced , classes may be smaller , the learners ' backgrounds may be very different from those your trainees will meet .
13 When faced with a choice of categories in the RL , say active and passive , the literal approach to translation leads the translator to choose the form which corresponds to that used in the original , whereas the use of that category in the RL may be quite different from its use in the original .
14 The route to this intermediate target may be quite different from the route that would have led to the ultimate target .
15 In many of them , particularly criminal cases , the interests of the client may be quite different from those of the public .
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