Example sentences of "[noun] could be [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Carbon could be stored in empty gas fields
2 Held , ( 1 ) that under Community law member states could determine in accordance with the general rules of public international law the conditions under which vessels could be entered in national registers and granted the right to fly their flags , but that in laying down those conditions the member states had to comply with Community law ( post , pp. 338F–G , 343A ) .
3 In 1987 a significant number of local doctors expressed an interest in assuming greater responsibility for the clinical care of non-insulin treated patients if review could be scheduled in normal surgery time and provided responsibility for retinal screening was not included .
4 If the cartographic and tabular data could be stored in computer-readable form , then the speed of the computer could be used to select areas with the required characteristics , derive composite maps , and perform other operations that would be impossibly time-consuming if carried out by hand .
5 The possibility that natural communities could be visualized in similar terms occurred to many biologists in the later decades of the century , thus providing an incentive to study the interactions upon which the whole network depended .
6 Such elements could be found in varying degrees in the fighting forces of most European States .
7 Councillors on Thursday decided that the 12-acre Cattle Market at Bury could be developed in small-scale phases .
8 Neither of these packages were entirely suitable for the operation of local authority establishments , and some customisation was considered necessary before the requirement could be met in full .
9 Cyril 's great contribution was to devise an alphabet , the glagolitic ( glagol =verb ) , in which the Gospels could be written in Slavonic .
10 Whatever the reason may be : investment programmes , wars , fears of conflict , or the enforcement of a regime , they all stem from global mistrust and deception , and such great amounts of money could be directed in other ways if people all trusted each other and armament production was open .
11 The patterns could be interpreted in different ways ; one possibility is to argue that the correlation with extra-linguistic variables constitutes evidence that the forms are simply different ways of saying the same thing , that differences in modal meaning which do not affect truth-conditions are merely stylistic and so may be ignored .
12 In principle , a file could be arranged in descending order , but most manufacturers ' software checks that the order is ascending and , if it is not , halts until the input order is corrected .
13 First , it legitimized retrospectively the grant penalties associated with targets set in 1981/2 and 1982/3 and set out the context in which expenditure guidance or targets could be issued in future years .
14 In terms of tactics the implications of this analysis were a repudiation of the Leninist thesis that capitalism could be overthrown in backward countries before the revolution took place in industrial Europe .
15 In an interview on Oct. 5 with French journalists at the Franco-African summit in Libreville , Gabon [ see p. 39134 ] , President Idriss Déby said that a promised Sovereign National Conference could be held in early 1993 ; on Oct. 15 it was announced that the conference would start on Jan. 15 , 1993 .
16 This meant that the rotor could be used in heavy winds and should not compromise the ship 's safety .
17 Thus this pool of resources could be invested in working capital , in fixed assets , or in financial assets ; or it could be spent on wages , supplies , or overheads ; or it could be distributed as dividends or used to repay debt .
18 At first , the playing time for both discs and cylinders was the same — about two minutes — but the fact that discs could be made in different sizes , all of which could be played on the same machine , was another advantage .
19 In essence the result of this change was to ensure that when a contractor made a payment to a sub-contractor holding a tax certificate issued by the Inland Revenue , the sub-contractor could be paid in full .
20 If Robson could be paired in central midfield with Steve McMahon , who deputised so impressively for him in Stockholm , a great deal of England 's anxiety about the trip to Poland would be relieved .
21 The reduced predictive power of the former test in treated coeliac disease patients could be explained in different ways .
22 Before 1885 lashes could be inflicted in ordinary cattle-stealing cases .
23 It was where informers and witnesses could be taken in private , away from prying eyes .
24 Alternatively , consultants in communicable disease control could be based in public health laboratories and become their community arm , with the benefit of speedy transmission of microbiological information .
25 If Stockton , Langbaurgh and Hartlepool follow suit , the need to train and register bouncers could be incorporated in public entertainments licences by April next year .
26 No mass medium can yet serve mass ‘ senders ’ on the scale of mass audiences ; and the ‘ messages ’ delivered in a daily paper could be conveyed in identical terms by typed letter through the mail .
27 Still other patterns of agricultural life could be found in western Germany , France and Switzerland , where a high degree of subdivision of the land among peasant proprietors was already in 1880 the rule , and was to increase .
28 A Christian approach to economic life could be described in various ways .
29 Not about the great figures of the game but of the subtle strategies behind it : the financial deals , how players could be disposed in different formations on the pitch .
30 Added to this was the important fact that the works could be sited in remote places for safety , for the making of gunpowder was a dangerous business .
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