Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb base] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our target is to reject the papers not sent to external referees within two weeks , and we hope that this information may lead more authors who have scientifically sound papers but are worried that they may be too specialist for a general audience to let us see them .
2 The project is aimed at younger drivers who want totally open motoring but do n't feel safe on two wheels .
3 Indeed , it is quite difficult to find nations who eat less dietary fibre than the British , apart from the Swedes ( 14g daily ) and Masai warriors , who are thought to eat practically none !
4 But there are other contributory factors , for example , the close identity between each medical school and ‘ its ’ hospital which leads to having specialties in every hospital and the well-intentioned efforts of trustees of ‘ teaching hospitals and special health authorities who marshal sometimes huge wealth in support of priorities which may not always accord with the health needs of the population . ’
5 This would seem to point to the need for more centralised bargaining since a government can most effectively pursue its policy of encouraging responsive bargaining if it can deal with the leaders of unions and employers who represent highly centralised structures , themselves have adequate authority and can expect appropriate support and consent from their memberships ( OECD , 1979a ) .
6 Our approach to safety training via this route is compatible with the Wood Group competency standards policy as the objectives are to have competent staff in each division who hold nationally recognised qualifications .
7 Concern has been voiced that an unregulated internal labour market will undermine the competitive position of those member states who have relatively high wages and social security without a more comprehensive approach .
8 Regular or prolonged contact between two groups who speak mutually unintelligible languages may result in the formation of a pidgin — a language which is nobody 's native language but serves as a means of communication for a limited range of purposes related to the contact situation .
9 The major problem with essentially voluntary schemes like these , however , is that they appeal to only those farmers who arc already convinced environmentalists .
10 But the main culprits , he says , are private collectors prepared to pay extraordinary prices for rare specimens , and nurseries who buy more common types in huge quantities , most of which die after flowering .
11 People who require less detailed images are , however , unaffected by the transmission problems .
12 We must recognise that many people who earn relatively modest wages and who are essential to the rural economy will be the first to be put at risk by those proposals .
13 But people who use more costly forms of credit such as HP , finance company loans , or trading vouchers ( generally , the relatively poorer ) are still — even in these exceptional circumstances — paying more than saving up would cost them .
14 One element he stresses in both cases is that it is a lot easier to understand language demands than the theory and institutions of democracy and constitutional society , especially for people who lack both political education and political experience .
15 What you have are groups of people who display superficially similar symptoms for a variety of different reasons .
16 People who have very strong relationship goals will seek out employment and leisure activities where they can form lasting relationships — deep , warm relationships which will endure over many years .
17 Many people who have no hearing loss at all , people who have very acute hearing , experience tinnitus and may find it hard to tolerate .
18 There remains the problem , however that long-term foster parents — and people who adopt mentally handicapped children — will themselves seek short term respite from the commitment they have made .
19 They cater for people who need both nursing supervision and a lot of practical help .
20 The analysis of patterns of class based inequality that has been presented so far clearly indicates the existence of people who experience considerably disadvantaged life chances , those for example who are found among the lowest 20 per cent of income earners .
21 One of Beto 's constant themes is that classification is something which can be carried out properly only by staff who have both human insight in general and a specific knowledge of the prison system and the background of most of its clients .
22 Executive dominance is still evident though , particularly through the power of non-elected bureaucrats who have exceptionally close links with the majority LDP party .
23 The patients who develop late complete heart block , perhaps in the coronary care unit , usually associated with a diaphragmatic infarction , do not respond to atropine .
24 Although the proportion of deliberate self-poisoning or self-injury patients who require psychiatric inpatient care is fairly small , this group is of special importance because it includes those most likely to have serious psychiatric disorders , those at special risk of suicide or further attempts , and some patients who pose very difficult management problems .
25 Viewpoints such as these are challenged by teachers who employ more traditional methods .
26 Many mums who have apparently short labours have actually been gently dilating for a few days without realising it and without having any of the other traditional ‘ signs ’ of labour : a ‘ show ’ as the plug to the cervix is expelled , waters breaking or the first contractions .
27 ChemWindow Classic is a simpler version of the program recommended to users who have less powerful systems .
28 The highest court in Britain is the House of Lords , but when they sit as a court the Lords consist only of a panel of members who have long judicial experience and who have been appointed as Law Lords .
29 Similarly , a test which requires a response to a spoken word or sentence should be used only for children who have reasonably good speech perception .
30 Children who have very clear food preferences will determine their own diet and if a parent is concerned about the nutritional balance then seeking advice from a paediatrician or general practitioner who can refer to a dietician may alleviate concern .
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