Example sentences of "[noun] who [be] [num] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Two of the Nexus percussionists played on Monday , along with another musician who is one of the finest current exponents of her instrument , the violist Rivka Golani .
2 This week our guest on Sharing Time is Erlend who is one of the survivors of the Piper Alpha disaster and is one who has come back to Orkney this last week , staying with his family here in Orkney .
3 I was very close to a a hospital with a wonderful cardiac er unit er where they had a professor who was one of the leading Italian in the subject .
4 This measure , says Don Edwards , a Californian congressman who is one of the bill 's sponsors , has won over 15–20 southern Democrats who had been worried about the crippling effect of punitive damages on small businesses .
5 The style of the building is that of the 14th century , and it holds many monuments to previous rectors and the Bethell family , including a reference to Christopher Bethell who was one of the first whites to be killed in the Mafeking riots in July 1884 .
6 When I knew it , during the war years , it was occupied by an elderly bachelor who was one of the several mill owners in Witney , the town famed world-wide for its blankets since the seventeenth century .
7 A boy who was one of the first British babies born under water in a ‘ birthing tub ’ drowned when he fell in the River Avon , a Plymouth inquest heard yesterday …
8 The provision sometimes inserted in a settlement for giving remuneration to a professional man who is one of the trustees is open to considerable objection since it may give him an interest in incurring expense , and will , in any case , tend to make the other trustees leave the management mainly in his hands .
9 In their group they not only face Hong Kong , who won the plate competition last season , but also Italy who are one of the eight seeded teams .
10 What that meant became clear when Horacio Serpa , the Liberal who is one of the assembly 's three co-chairmen , came up with 15 constitutional drafts of his own .
11 There was er the who was called after a Frenchman who invented some type of lenses and er the MacKenzie who was one of the engineers did the building of Skerrymor one of the surveyors or something .
12 It is important that an orchestra has new young players coming in all the time — we recently had a young Polish violinist who is one of the orchestra 's concert-masters , he is very promising , and full of music — but sometimes players leave us to fulfil their own dreams and ambitions .
13 Mayeur Vaccin who 's one of the gendarmes from Lilles says by careering around in go karts on miniature road systems , the children appreciate the other side of the story .
14 Health physics monitor Steven Crozier , a fitness enthusiast who was one of the group who visited Peel Park to collect the 1993 award , tried out the new multi-gym and pronounced it a real asset ( below ) .
15 OPERA House who is one of the favourites for the Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe at Longchamp at the beginning of next month should stay on course for a Paris success by winning the Guinness Irish Champion Stakes at Leopardstown tomorrow .
16 From Micky who 's one of the most successful record pro producers that has ever been , he said if you have n't got an audience in the first thirty seconds you ai n't got the audience .
17 Michael George Wittet was born in Bombay in 1918 , the son of a consulting architect from Perth and a French mother who was one of the first women to graduate in history and languages at the Sorbonne in Paris .
18 Wednesday , she sees a chap who is one of the PM 's advisers , or that 's what it says — and what does she do for lunch ?
19 It was Hugh de Morval who was one of the four knights that determined to rid Henry II of ‘ … this turbulent priest ’ and kept back the crowd while Thomas à Becket was murdered .
20 Dick does n't follow him in fact he thinks the bloke is trying to get off with him which is a bit of a laugh if you 've seen the Indian women , until the Indian runs off and fetches Miguel who 's one of the guides .
21 Only ten minutes before , the current owner of the Rose Bowl , the rather oppressively genteel Miss Philimore , had been telling her about the wealthy local businessman who was one of the Rose Bowl 's best customers …
22 I teamed up with peter Cornish who was one of the key divers who master-minded the recovery of Halifax W1048 .
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