Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Waldendale means the dale of the Welshman , Welsh being a word once used to describe any foreigner , though in this case it probably refers to the last remnants of the Celtic peoples who retreated to this dale in the face of Norse and Anglo-Saxon expansion .
2 A defendant who relies on this ground would be wise to file an affidavit in answer to the plaintiff 's affidavit and not leave all the argument to the application itself .
3 He thought that any Special Agent who dressed like this guy would be disciplined .
4 Perchance I was speaking by telephone this afternoon to a building contractor who specialises in this type of work .
5 Wives prepared to report marital rape to the police may well have husbands who fall into this category .
6 When it comes to financial planning , women often have different requirements to men , so it can help to see an independent financial adviser who specialises in this area .
7 Clients who buy through this service will receive a quarterly newsletter .
8 There 's only so much that anybody 's brain can handle at any one time so let's just do a little experiment because there was a chap called George Miller an American psychologist who worked on this idea of what is the capacity of the brain , how many bits of information can the brain hold on to at any given time .
9 Marx and Engels suggest that priests were the first ideologists who emerged at this stage .
10 There are suits that are better equipped for the more demanding skier and manufacturers who specialise in this end of the market include Nevica , Berghaus , Phoenix , Degre 7 , Powderhorn and SOS who say they are not interested in following ski fashions : ‘ We make heavy duty workwear for people who spend their winters in the mountains . ’
11 Almost without exception , the visitors who turn up this road do so having heard or read of the ‘ parallel roads ’ , a remarkable geological antiquity found in other Scottish glens but nowhere as clearly defined as in Glen Roy .
12 I wanted to ensure that foreign visitors who came to this country were also covered by insurance .
13 On the contrary , as we began this book by noticing , most people think that judges who act in this way are usurpers .
14 ‘ Could the doctor have been called in the hour of desperate need by an angel who appeared as this woman 's young daughter ? ’ queries Mr Graham .
15 In this context we may distinguish ( i ) the impartiality which is part and parcel of making moral or legal-judgments on the basis of formulating universal rules permitting or prohibiting certain types of conduct as distinct from making decisions only about particular persons and particular occasions : the impartiality not just of universalisability but of rules which actually are to be universalised ; ( ii ) the impartiality of being a non-involved person which is particularly relevant to the position of the person who is applying legal or moral rules to particular circumstances and which is directly to do with the characteristics of the judge who according to this standard must have no personal interest in the outcome of the case , but which may also be relevant in the process of legislation since legislators may have particular and personal interests in the outcome of the legislation in question ; ( iii ) there is the idea of impartiality as a norm of moral and judicial reasoning which has to do with giving due consideration to all relevant factors , a practice which may further but is not guaranteed by impartiality of the first two types .
16 Even those such as David Lodge and Malcolm Bradbury who argue against this blanket judgment do not attempt to depict the decade as one of great creative achievement .
17 It is hoped that the reader will participate to some extent in this activity by sharing the perspective of the workshop team who worked on this text .
18 There are specialist brokers who deal in this type of insurance whose addresses you can normally find through your local shop or in windsurfing magazines .
19 Some readers of Practical Fishkeeping probably believe that we are tightly in league with the manufacturers and retailers who advertise in this magazine .
20 Now , there 's been lots of talk about gay and lesbian people not having no rights , I come from a Jewish society , I 've got people who suffer anti-semitic ri , feelings , there 's lot of erm multi-ra , ethnic majorities who cover on this programme , and I think that issue has to be looked at as well .
21 While most middle-class women say they dislike housework and most working-class women say they like or do n't mind it , there are some in each class group who deviate from this pattern .
22 The main issue on the agenda of the Russian Congress of People 's Deputies , which opened in Moscow on July 10 with Yeltsin 's formal inauguration as Russian President [ see p. 38273 for his election in June ] , was the election of a chairman to the Supreme Soviet ( standing parliament ) to replace Yeltsin who resigned from this post on becoming President .
23 ‘ The man who is looking for a breed to put shape into his lambs only has to talk to butchers who deal in this type of Texel-sired carcass and look at the successes achieved in carcass competitions .
24 We are a mystery to ourselves , and it is only God who sees into this mystery , knowing us completely .
25 Fortunately , most of the figures who appear in this book meet that criterion or , if not , they were certainly notable enough for them to have been remembered .
26 The type of person who goes on this holiday is almost certainly gon na be a psychocentric .
27 The type of person who goes on this holiday to destinations for example want somewhere unusual perhaps to India , is more likely to be an alocentric person cos they 're getting away from the crowds .
28 But if nothing concrete emerges , we shall check the backgrounds of every person who stayed in this Lodge last night . ’
29 This is constantly done in Mincing Lane [ a street in the City of London ] , and the person who acts in this way is , perhaps , a quasi-arbitrator or even an arbitrator , but he is an arbitrator of a particular sort , and it is not intended that there should be the same judicial proceeding on his part as there would be in the case of an arbitrator appointed under a formal submission .
30 Almost every month it seems as though some sad parent on the local news is bemoaning the loss of their teenager who died in this way .
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