Example sentences of "[noun] when [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Kristian is very good with fans when they see him the street and ask him for autographs .
2 I remember him taking me for a drive in his car when he told me the joyful news about his forthcoming marriage to Rosemary and feeling so happy that he was going to be happy .
3 ‘ It looked as though it was on its last legs when you gave me a lift yesterday . ’
4 He thought of the widow in her ramshackle hut at the end of the village and the gratitude in her eyes when he gave her a purse of coins .
5 The Court of Appeal held that he had appropriated the goods for the purposes of theft when he showed them the goods and invited them to buy .
6 He even put his arm around my shoulders when he wished me a merry Christmas .
7 All the same it was hard to restrain her pleasure when he called her the following evening .
8 We listened to the hon. Member for Derby , South when she gave us the present status of Beckett 's laws — a pledge to increase pensions and child benefit , to which the new manufacturing package has been added .
9 A BEER-loving juror astonished a judge when he slipped him a note asking : ‘ When is it dinner time ? ’
10 Scientists did not help matters when they gave it the generic name Oreamnos , meaning ‘ mountain lamb ’ .
11 Always be very aware of your childrens ' reaction when you tell them a particular babysitter is coming .
12 I 'm just one of the Star Councillors , but I was n't in the Star Room when you showed them the animal .
13 He was right next to the linesman when he called him a name and he deserved to go .
14 You need some fresh air , he said to Dolly when he brought her a cup of tea , and he pulled the top window frame down a little .
15 That 's life , on Vadinamia , as I said to Mala when I told her the news .
16 Because it 's a national thing I mean it 's something the company is hoping to go forward with the time it 's a government initiative , if we are offering trainee managers when they join us an , an N V Q and they do n't get it at the end of their training .
17 MR K. Bailey , of Shipley , West Yorkshire , had music running through his head when he sent me a ‘ well done ’ letter , for he attached a verse he 'd composed especially to mark my 40th anniversary and he told me to sing his words to an old song named Marjie …
18 After all , you were n't overly concerned about my feelings when you interviewed me the other day , were you ? ’
19 A SHOPLIFTER gave the two police officers who arrested her a shock when she sent them a Christmas card .
20 Oh , would n't I like to be a fly on the wall when you tell her the latest !
21 As I was saying : they dig up that and also Francis 's moment of passion when he made himself a father — which must have been more than twenty years ago !
22 He should not introduce such arguments when we know what the Government are after — attacking the British coal industry .
23 You have won the game when you guess who the quote was from .
24 Indeed , Eleanor Rathbone condemned what she viewed as the selfishness of middle class women who , having got ‘ all they wanted for themselves out of the women 's movement when it gave them the vote , the right to stand for Parliament and the local authorities , and to enter the learned professions ’ , then sat back .
25 It was Chief Fyvie who first introduced me to the fine travelogue books of H.V. Morton when he loaned me a copy of ‘ In Search of Scotland ’ .
26 ‘ They knew I had insurance because I took it out with the TSB when they gave me the loan . ’
27 For those who are wondering why I have this set-up , the three were introduced at a small size when I thought them a male and two females ; and I am unwilling to upset a settled pair by unnecessarily removing the decor and setting two with a net !
28 Even the Arabs in the Ministry of Health office in the hospital had n't really been briefed , and the poor man who was given the job of meeting our needs nearly had a heart attack when I showed him a copy of the list I had sent out to his head office weeks ago .
29 Maybe we should listen to our friends when they tell us a few home truths .
30 FORMER Goon Harry Secombe , who has had a second home in Majorca for the past 15 years , reckoned he had finally been accepted by the locals when they gave him the Spanish name El Gordo .
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