Example sentences of "[noun] when [pron] [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Bolinger points out furthermore that the use of the to infinitive after verbs of perception when they shift to the inferential sense fits into an overall pattern with the object + infinitive construction .
2 How many times have you been walking with someone who does that all the time , regardless of climatic considerations , and wanted to deliver a rabbit punch to the back of their neck when they stop for the tenth time that day and begin the ponderous unclipping of their rucksack ?
3 Joints and fissures are probably enlarged partly by the abrasive effect of stones scoured into them by the waves and partly by the pressures generated by the waves when they break against the cliffs .
4 Under the new regime , the Ministry of Agriculture only tests animals when they get to the farm , if they 're told about it .
5 If you enjoy a bag of popcorn when you go to the cinema , then by all means have it .
6 Remember George Seawright when you speak of the brave ,
7 Remember George Seawright when you speak of the brave ,
8 The truth is that it is this party and this Government who have consistently sought to defend employees and trade union members over the past 12 years , and that is what the country will bear in mind when we come to the general election .
9 It is this range of performances rather than any coherent body of theology which most social anthropologists have in mind when they refer to the magico-religious system .
10 Ask voters to say what comes to mind when they think of the Labour Party and a large proportion mention , ‘ the unions ’ , ‘ strikes ’ , ‘ the winter of discontent ’ , and ‘ the three-day week ’ , even though this last event occurred under Mr Heath .
11 If you bear this in mind when you look at the list below , you 'll find that there are a large range of activities that can play a part in your safer sex life .
12 And how pathetically ironic that a bunch of Americans , who normally carp on about freedom of speech and the First Amendment , resort to crushing records which contain perfectly innocent torch songs when they defend to the hilt the right of misogynist swine like 2 Live Crew to peddle their filth with impunity .
13 Erm I think it 's , I hope you 'll agree , that it 's absolutely essential and , and I hope that you , your reward will be the smiling faces of the youngsters when they come off the water during the year .
14 said you would n't believe they were made in England when you look at the
15 You will almost certainly be asked to provide some kind of identification when you go to the hire shop — and do n't be surprised if you have your photograph taken !
16 The question acquires a new relevance when we look at the propositions of some of the CETI theorists ( CETI = Communication with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence ) .
17 The Modular Examinations Committee uses the ‘ 21 rule ’ in considering the eligibility of students to continue for honours when they arrive at the end of the third year with less than 18 passes .
18 So we er , schools can approach us as the Engineering Council and say , we 'd like some help , and quite obviously , they all want some help when they look at the actual syllabus of a design and technology itself !
19 FORGET the slump when you drive to the pump .
20 That 's what it is Martin , confirmation really of what er Mick said to you in that interview , Steve , Tommy two , three but playing at central defence , Dean 'll be the skipper playing in midfield , Michael at the heart of the defence , Phil in midfield , Paul wears seven but will play up front , er Mark at eight in midfield , wears nine , well that 's a bit of nonsense is n't i in terms of numbering , cos he 's gon na play at left back not at centre forward , Gary is ten , Tony eleven , then on the bench , really good to see David and Rod , Bob 's there as well along with er Paul and that 's er possibly a a first chance for the youngster there , and Michael who has been bloodied already but er a little bit of experience in and er the youngsters , and as I say again it 's really good to see and in the number and er I 'm still practising and I shall give you the Pisa team when you return to the er rather sodden Lane with the spectators all huddled towards the back of the stands to get er extra protection from the er rain that 's being swept a on to the stands and er has obliterated the markings on the pitch .
21 I bow my head in shame when I think of the countries we 've looted and the people we 've subjugated .
22 These are given away to house buyers when they or prospective house buyers when they walk through the door .
23 You can see the difference when you go on the trip , some people are .
24 Ironically , the longer radionuclides remain in the stratosphere , the weaker will be the radioactivity when they return to the earth 's surface .
25 We only put on his lead when we go to the vet .
26 Is it the sullen sky , small and mean in winter , the rank dank smell of piss sharp through your nostrils when you walk below the tracks at Gospel Oak or beneath the highway in the Edgware Road ?
27 Goodness when I think of the moving they must have done , the trunks they must have packed .
28 ‘ Amber always runs up for a hug when I walk through the door ’ , she says .
29 After his death , I learnt not to shut him out of my life and now I feel a comforting sense of continuity when I go through the boxes and find little notes by him which I have never seen before .
30 We tried local rules — just add two shots to your score when you land in the water — but in the end we had to abandon the tournament .
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