Example sentences of "[noun] when [pron] [be] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Give us a ring when you 're not doing nowt
2 Abe Moses , who was also a poet when he was not gutting fish , died while the children were st ill young , and Miriam Leah , who stunk of fish , decided to go into something more glamorous .
3 Add to that a predilection to falling off buses because you think you see Him on every corner , in every crowd , at every window , and the inevitability of actually seeing Him in the off-licence when you were n't expecting to , and feeling your entire stomach lurch forward involuntarily like waking from a dream of falling .
4 The alliance is cemented by that traditional political religion , forged in the previous century , which sees the natural law as most accessible to true believers , that it is obligatory to enforce its practice by law , and that those holding other views only have rights to put their views into practice when they are not seen by the bishops to do harm to the social fabric .
5 Qaddafi , however , thinks of nations as permanently active groups in continual session , not disappearing from practice when they are not needed .
6 Trent was crewing for Baccy , a six-foot-four Seventh Day Adventist black Customs officer who captained Belpan 's lone patrol boat when he was n't racing sailboats .
7 As a suggestion , could I ask you to consider whether Constabulary could share the Heather/Sally machine when they are not using it ?
8 Well why would it be used in circumstances when it was not needed otherwise ?
9 Peter Scudamore still has first call on Twiston-Davies ' string when he is not riding for Martin Pipe .
10 So people often switch off their hearing aids when they are not wanted .
11 If you plan to eat in the living room , try to buy as generous a table as possible but one which will look quite in keeping with the room when it is not laid for a meal .
12 Furthermore , the fact that he sees them as two distinct individuals does not necessarily mean that they exist as two distinct individuals when they are not perceived .
13 At times it 's a joy when it 's not happening !
14 Thus although it is commonly suggested that the notion of certainty is relevant to the analysis of claims to knowledge , but not to the analysis of knowledge itself ( e.g. , in Woozley , 1953 ) , this leaves us with no method of explaining why certainty should be required before one can claim knowledge when it is not required for knowledge itself , i.e. , for the existence of what one is claiming .
15 That insignificant little tickle that develops into an eye-watering , throat-gripping , lung-bursting agony when you 're not allowed to let it out .
16 Meanwhile , Hawk — 6ft tall with a 56in chest — an inspector for Welsh Water when he 's not beating innocent victims to a pulp , spends 12 hours a week in the gym to build up those biceps .
17 I only order water when I 'm not paying .
18 The result of the CAFU experiment was that the cockpit conversation between the flight crew when they were not using the intercom was crystal clear .
19 But the most important saving could be made by persuading people to turn off lights when they are not needed — either by time switches or by well-designed panels which allow people to select easily the amount of light they need .
20 switch off lights when you are not using them
21 It 's just there to take the edge off things when it 's not settling on it 's own .
22 And we take out contingency plans fo for various things , you 'll take out insurance , er against your house being broken into , against there being a fire or something else , you 'll take out insurance policies , or or assurance policies against your life , so that your dependants will be provided for , you 'll take out pe , er pension plans so that in your old age when you 're not working you 'll have sufficient money to live on .
23 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
24 Breathing fumes over patients when they 're not feeling well and nauseated and then they get this of garlic .
25 Mrs Geary had a low opinion of Nannie a spy and reporter when she was n't mending the sheets and darning the stockings , and at all times a pensioner to be despised and deprived whenever possible .
26 The secret of success , in my opinion , is to make pars when you are n't playing well .
27 She could n't stop thinking about Gesner ; every moment of her life when she was n't working she was thinking of him , reliving what he had said , what he had done , how he had kissed her , what he would do next time .
28 Sipping a Sling does not have the same flavour of nostalgia when you are not sitting in the old hotel with the arches and verandahs imagining you are Somerset Maugham .
29 From the restaurant Oh my God up need any matches when they 're not lost ha Dave so they never offered Lee any
30 Oh Shane , who went in the lounge when you 're not meant to ?
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