Example sentences of "[noun] when [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Subjects spent longer reading words when they occurred at the end of a clause or a sentence .
2 His words when we met at the start of the Championship kept coming back : ‘ Willie , I 'm going to win the Open for you this week .
3 He started gawking at the people in the stands when he came into the stretch .
4 Andrew Davis , who lives at Richmond Road in Oxford , denied causing grievious bodily harm when he appeared at the city 's crown court .
5 When Operation Gentle Shepherd swung into action for the second time , five of the six sperm whales were coaxed by 14 rescue vessels between the islands of Swona and South Ronaldsay and were heading for the Pentland Firth when they dived beneath the waves .
6 Abu Khadra showed little physical emotion when he talked about the past , but his words were carefully chosen and sometimes very angry .
7 The men had disappeared from the top of the scaffolding when she emerged into the street again .
8 He over-valued the pound when we went into the ERM and , coupled with his insistence of achieving zero inflation , that is destroying industry , jobs , homes , families and any chance of rebuilding Britain for a better future .
9 On 30th September , Jesse Pring an engine driver employed at Lee 's was operating the winding drum drawing chalk trucks up the incline when he fell into the crank pit , he received severe injuries and died within the hour .
10 Starlings , which are active during the day , lock onto melatonin when it coincides with the end of their activity .
11 She was still sitting motionless as a hare when they returned from the concert .
12 Connor had already prepared the way for them , and Mary was in her best dress , with baby Lilian on her lap and Danny at her side when they walked into the kitchen .
13 After more than fifty-four years of marriage she was by his side when he died at the age of eighty-four , at 21 Frimley Gardens , Mitcham , south London , 4 June 1943 .
14 Sampson became the second ( Marsden was the first ) Yorkshire player to represent the Players against the Gentlemen when he played in the Lord 's fixture of 1841 .
15 Our only witness is the Cathedral cleaner , Mrs Thrigg , who thinks , but is n't sure , that it was in its place on the Tuesday before the murder when she cleaned round the pews in the infantry chapel . ’
16 In the past it was invariably the leading Americans who seemed to have more grit or nerve when it came to the closing stretch .
17 Those pants of his were around his knees when he slammed through the double doors of the brownstone , and around his ankles as he stumbled at speed up the first flight of stairs .
18 ‘ You see … you ca n't beat a veteran when it comes to the crunch . ’
19 The process , which a highly skilled operator controls through a keyboard , itself caused a revolution in the printing industry when it appeared in the 1890s , putting many hand composers out of a job .
20 Bolinger points out furthermore that the use of the to infinitive after verbs of perception when they shift to the inferential sense fits into an overall pattern with the object + infinitive construction .
21 Scholars ' president looks to famous ancestor The Rev. John Douglas will seek his inspiration from a famous ancestor when he returns to the Friends ' School at Great Ayton as president of the Old Scholars ' Association .
22 Barriers had to be put around their pictures when they exhibited at the Royal Academy to protect them from the crowds of ardent devotees ; reproductions of their works were sold in their tens of thousands .
23 She had told neighbours : ‘ We were all watching television in a back bedroom when I went to the toilet .
24 How many times have you been walking with someone who does that all the time , regardless of climatic considerations , and wanted to deliver a rabbit punch to the back of their neck when they stop for the tenth time that day and begin the ponderous unclipping of their rucksack ?
25 Though it was a chance meeting with Travis when he called at the apartment block , ostensibly to visit Leith and Sebastian , when the two bumped into each other .
26 What was the true intention of the parties when they arrived at the agreement pleaded by the defendants in para. 5 of the amended defence ?
27 I forgot to give it to Madge when she asked for the keys .
28 Donnelly was reckoned to be doing 150mph in sixth gear when he plunged off the road .
29 The Cavalier was being followed through Milton Keynes when it turned into the cul-de-sac and hit the wall at about 50 miles an hour .
30 Everyone had gone except this boorish man and his sleazy dirty place , and the poor old decrepit cleaner , who did n't seem particularly dismayed at the sight that greeted their eyes when they went into the room where the reception had been held .
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