Example sentences of "[noun] when [pron] [verb] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Mother used to make a big meal to feed the beaters when they came to unload and help pack the grouse , but the food for the gentry was taken to the moor in large hampers .
2 The patient is lifted if he has not recovered his ability to balance , that is , if he tends to topple and fall backwards and towards his hemiplegic side when he tries to sit or stand up without any support .
3 No that 's not correct because I 've also already called up to P C into that master bedroom when I 've left or as I was about to handcuff er the man .
4 BAD : The only serious wobble of the campaign followed the appearance of Simon Hughes , the party 's environment spokesman , on BBC television 's Election Call programme when he appeared to contradict or amend party policy no fewer than four times in less than an hour .
5 I was no exception to this rule when I graduated to command and number some very good friends amongst the chiefs with whom I have sailed .
6 He changed into his tracksuit when she had gone and went to talk to his doctors .
7 I certainly would n't dream of tagging along with you and Tara when you go sailing or sightseeing or whatever … ’
8 Look out for the Outdoor Action team when you do go and tell us what you think of the magazine .
9 Donald first made his appearance when he started playing and interacting with divers near a marine laboratory on the Isle of Man in 1972 .
10 Out at the line-up , the three men were climbing over a routine thirty-five-footer when they heard screaming and the toot of car horns from the beach .
11 PAUL JOHNSON SALES assistant Paul Johnson is up to the minute when it comes to fashion but that 's hardly surprising .
12 He looked at her now , sitting there like a bird with a broken wing , and was torn between wanting to give her a hug and a kiss , as he would with Anna when she 'd fallen and hurt her knee , and a rather more powerful instinct for self-preservation that urged him to climb into the airing cupboard and pull the door shut after him .
13 Only after weeks had passed with him ablaze like this did the hag stir on one occasion when he came to call and curse him — ; or he felt she did — with her eyes open and one hand raised and pointing .
14 mother used to spend most of her time in the local when she did come and er
15 This dream : I had it the night after Mum-in-the-mud , the night after English Lit when I 'd sat and stared at these dead simple questions — I mean , ‘ Examine Mark Antony 's friends , Romans , Countrymen speech with a view to its effect on a modern audience ’ .
16 Rather , it should look for ways of dealing with those people when they have offended and ways of preventing offending .
17 King : Sweet Emma , you remember far too well The jeers and cat-calls mingled with the praise When you did sing and dance for half an hour In your own TV show .
18 Well , my first job came during four weeks of my last term at RADA when I had applied and been chosen for a television play called It 's Too Late to Talk to Billy which was set in Belfast — which is where I came from originally .
19 I feel that sometimes I do try to play God when I do try and keep people alive beyond reasonable times .
20 Minton , with teasing flattery , referred to his new friend , six years his junior , as his ‘ property consultant ’ , for he asked Goff for advice when he began thinking and talking about moving .
21 Willie ‘ O ’ is a bit stronger and a lot younger than Mick so you have to give him a slight edge when it comes to form and fitness .
22 June and Robert Braithwaite achieved much better intercourse both in and out of bed when she learned to understand and value his greater need of physical sensation and he became less worried by her being different and placing a lower value on physical experience .
23 ‘ I will leave this chamber when I have finished and , Lady Prioress , I should be grateful if you would wait for me in your own chamber .
24 Hear about Arthur 's disastrous visit to the Wrong House ; his problems in the song When You Learn To Drive and get your hankies out when Arthur finally finds true love in Little Bit Of Love .
25 A friend of mine did it erm they did n't burn the erm the spirit when they 'd finished and erm you know you 're meant to actually put a piece of paper under and burn it under the light or smash the glass and erm for the next six months she could n't sleep properly and it felt like there , she was like tormented and erm things were like pulling at her , her bedclothes and I swear she 's like seeing a psy a psychia psychiatrist and she had to sleep in her parents ' room and everything really scary .
26 The attacker went up to the woman as she rode around an area of the south London Common known as the arena , blocking her path when she tried to leave and twice attempting to pull her from her horse .
27 That 's not too bad actually except the day the young men loaded it back onto the trailer when we 'd finished and it was one of these corners , and I happened to be muggins on the corner where that lever was , and he had n't tied it , it was only in the ratchet , you know , he should have tied it of course .
28 ‘ It is natural for men to tell tales , and I suppose the short story was created in the night of time when the hunter , to beguile the leisure of his fellows when they had eaten and drunk their fill , narrated by the cavern fire some fantastic incident he had hear of . ’
29 Equally , it is also important for parents to apologise to their children when they have wronged or harmed them in some way .
30 The aim is , of course , to persuade the puppy to ask to go outside into the garden when it wants to urinate or defecate .
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