Example sentences of "[noun] will [adv] be [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The eternal pessimist will also be receiving tickets for a future show in Liverpool .
2 The eternal pessimist will also be receiving tickets for a future show in Liverpool .
3 Moran said : ‘ Director Jack Walker 's money has enabled the manager to put down a good foundation and if we can get Roy coming in alongside the likes of Alan Shearer , the club will really be going places . ’
4 Sun will also be offering Viking versions of the Galaxy 630MP , 670MP and 690MP multi-processors it introduced this winter , configured with one to four processors .
5 IBM will apparently be doing production of its own outside of Motorola .
6 It 's very important , I think , that erm you match the age of the child to the age which is written on the box , because then the child will actually be handling materials that he can physically handle and ideas that he can physically cope with or intellectually cope with .
7 It 's very important , I think , that erm you match the age of the child to the age which is written on the box , because then the child will actually be handling materials that he can physically handle and ideas that he can physically cope with or intellectually cope with .
8 The engine will also be offering lessons on the footplate to all those who really did want to be engine drivers when they grew up , with the help of an experienced fireman .
9 The group will also be organising events to raise funds for the Irish Student Defence Fund which has been st up c/o USI .
10 Besides helping to unravel the myriad interactions between adolescent development and social and occupational structures , the initiative will also be seeking answers to practical policy questions in the fields of education , training and employment .
11 Some will have a clear career path , other will just be seeking education .
12 Concentrating on the modern and contemporary prints : Lumley Cazalet will be showing prints by Frink , Marini , Picasso ( from the ‘ 156 ’ series ) , and works by contemporary printmakers ; Paul McCarron 's stand includes an impression of Whistler 's ‘ Weary ’ at $20,000 ; Lott and Gerrish are showing 200 British woodcuts as well as wood-engravings by Gibbings and Edward Calvert ; Marlborough Graphics have Paula Rego 's latest ‘ Peter Pan ’ suite , Bill Jacklin 's ‘ Coney Island Suite ’ and new work by Ken Kiff ; Jeffrey Kaplow of Proofs Ltd is showing ‘ Luce Myres de Face ’ by Lautrec ( W.121 ) , a rare proof printed in sanguine , priced at £20,000 , together with works by Redon , Munch and others ; Waddington Graphics are devoting most of their space to their own publications — Dine , Motherwell , Hamilton , Blake and Hodgkin — but will have some prints by Picasso and Goya ; Pratt Contemporary Art will again be showing works by Ana Maria Pacheco whose prints have attracted much attention at past fairs , together with new etchings and monotypes by Susan Adams , Denise Walker and Julian Grater .
13 But if Eildon becomes the new landlord then these tenants will eventually be paying rents on the same basis as other Eildon tenants . ’
14 Twelve other Stoke potters will also be supplying china to the hotel , which opens in September .
15 Officers will also be taking fingerprints — for exclusion , of course . ’
16 Because of these difficulties , there is a widespread view that auditors will regularly be drawing attention to inherent uncertainties surrounding the going concern .
17 Mrs Thatcher 's staff will today be scanning Mr Bush 's televised Thanksgiving address to the nation last night , in which the President emphasised the continued US commitment to the Nato alliance and the defence of Western Europe , stressing that Nato 's fortitude has been a prime cause of the transformations in Eastern Europe .
18 If Reverend Derek Sawyer has his way regular worshippers at his church will soon be paying membership fees … similar to a private club or gym .
19 If we come into line with Europe , le Europe will soon be putting pressure on us by having a common policy and the policy to save fossil er burning of fossil fuels is international .
20 Bull will also be providing services support for 10 years .
21 A COUNTY 'S busiest road will shortly be having work done on it and traffic holdups are likely .
22 I can say the pitters in my branch will certainly be asking questions when I get back .
23 Reservations about this course will already be taking shape , so instead of describing it further I will guess at the two most likely criticisms .
24 Remember that even if the precinct appears brightly lit to the eye , your camcorder will probably be working flat out to expose for the wide shots .
25 SIS will also be covering Kelso , Newbury and greyhound racing from Bristol so the need to give punters the opportunity to additionally sample delights from the orient hardly seems necessary .
26 The ship will soon be visiting Hartlepool giving Hurworth residents the opportunity to go on board and meet crew members .
27 The Garden will shortly be installing network monitoring software .
28 Mission Impossible , the club 's fanzine , reckons the feelbad factor could be crucial ‘ the local MP will soon be following Frank Gray ( the ex-manager ) down to the dole . ’
29 Sun 's first problem will probably be getting Sun people themselves to use the stuff , the transition from C or even C++ to objects not being without its hazards as object people know .
30 Unfortunately , it is not possible to state what the overall dependency total is , as most supplementary benefit claimants will also be drawing housing benefit .
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