Example sentences of "[noun] will [verb] [verb] some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My film adaptation of Anthony Delano 's richly comic book slip-Up ’ How Fleet Street caught Ronnie Biggs and Scotland Yard lost him ’ cost the not unastronomical sum of £600,000 to make , so should it turn out to be money down the drain the BBC will have to face some embarrassing questions about why it embarked on it in the first place if it thought the story might be defamatory .
2 ONCE Czechoslovakia settles down from the current euphoria of people 's power , its new leadership will have to take some hard decisions on how to overcome its economic difficulties .
3 I hope that local education authorities will have learnt some valuable lessons from this year 's experience and that they will take great care to consider what contingency plans are needed to avoid being caught napping again by a late rush of applicants .
4 All institutions will need to hold some minimum level of liquid assets to meet short-term claims , and will try to choose a portfolio which will yield the maximum profit subject to that liquidity constraint .
5 It 's impossible to predict the eventual outcome of all of this competition , but the cellular operators will need to overcome some significant hurdles before British consumers ( business and domestic ) are entirely at ease with cellular phones analogue or digital .
6 Mr Morton and his colleagues will have to answer some awkward questions , not least from small investors , many of whom bought into the company attracted by the perks and the sense of excitement as much as by a detailed understanding of the economics of the enterprise .
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