Example sentences of "[noun] would then [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Supplement sb. entry would then follow the OED unlabelled entry .
2 The reference would then alter the binding of ‘ he ’ from the dog to the vet , purely because the structure for the ‘ he ’ pronoun comes first in the logical form .
3 This could be replicated , at least superficially , by boiling in a concentrated caustic soda solution to give a white patination ; the addition of a few rusty nails would then turn the patina brown .
4 The miners would then search the hush for the vein and would cut trenches in the hillside , herring-boning outwards from the hush to discover the direction in which the vein led into the hillside .
5 The intermediary would then send a boy or servant with the cattle owner to ‘ search ’ for the missing animal , which would be found tied to a tree in a nearby forest .
6 The hitter would then nominate the number of strides he needed to fetch the pig .
7 All items had to be packed so that they weighed less than twenty-two pounds and sometimes there were so many parcels filling the room that it was impossible for other customers to pass through the door ; the postmaster would then telephone the Newtown depot to request a special van to come and collect them .
8 and and the erm the bank loan the mortgage would then pay the mortgage I 've got .
9 This larger group would then choose an observer group of given countries to perform a peace-keeping role in Afghanistan , which would involve defusing the insurgency and supervising general elections .
10 People in Burma would then see the protection afforded by continuing membership in the Commonwealth .
11 The loyalists would then interpret the government 's actions as being proof that there was one law for the nationalists and another for the loyalists .
12 Helen would then seize the opportunity to use the controlling tactic of sympathy on Jennifer .
13 Competitive film producers would then produce an output Q * ; , receiving a net-of-tax price equal to their marginal private cost at this output .
14 Natural selection would then favour the evolution of special organs — ears — for picking up airborne vibrations originating from steadily increasing distances .
15 Natural selection would then favour the animals that fought dangerously , which would increase in numbers .
16 In this fundamentalist dream , the generals would then depose the president and , lacking public support , would seek to legitimise their coup by making Egypt a theocracy like Iran .
17 The computer would then pick the play that would culminate , a ‘ move ’ later , in the best score .
18 ‘ The most likely scenario is that the Russian embassy asks for extradition and the Swedish government would then take a decision on the request , ’ said an immigration official , Erik Lempert .
19 The miller would then deduct a proportion of the grain in payment for his services .
20 VAMPIRE-like , the Garkain would then suck the victim 's blood .
21 The Silmarillion might then have come to look like ( for example ) The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise , written late but preserving intensely moving fragments of verse from some much older time now lost ; even the editorial matter would then reinforce the effect of age and darkness ( a device Tolkien used on a much smaller scale for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil ) .
22 Families who would otherwise spend Christmas in bed-and-breakfast accommodation would then have a house to live in .
23 Each member of the audience would then have the task in the playback group of giving each item points , say on a scale from one to five , according to how well it achieved its aim .
24 Once Gosport and the Portsea Lines had fallen the Portsmouth dockyard would become unusable , and — reversing the usual proposed sequence — the invaders would then capture the Isle of Wight .
25 But I am also attracted by Graff 's suggestion that those who favoured a ‘ literary ’ , aesthetic , affective way of reading would then experience the satisfaction of working against the prevailing grain .
26 Or does he believe that is a route is put through there then that would increase development pressures in that sector of the district and the greenbelt notation would then run the risk of having to be reviewed .
27 Jarman would then take the man 's belongings , deposit the body in a nearby river and sell his horse and clothes to the taciturn gypsies that wandered the moor .
28 The politicians would then prefer no service at all .
29 The local party would then choose a replacement in time for the next General Election .
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