Example sentences of "[noun] would have be [adj] without " in BNC.

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1 The progress made in this field at the Science Museum would have been unaffordable without the voluntary efforts and expertise of Computer Conservation Society 's members .
2 The development of the retinue would have been impossible without royal backing and reflected , rather than negated , the king 's authority .
3 The development of the retinue would have been impossible without royal backing and reflected , rather than negated , the king 's authority .
4 The report was useful in pointing out the confused state of the Company 's knowledge of its charities , and certainly the generosity would have been impossible without rigorous financial control ( from 1810 to 1816 , for example , expenditure had exceeded income by £10,000 , largely because of the work on the Company 's almshouses at Acton ) .
5 There were by then ‘ splendid edifices ’ in London , Oxford , Cambridge , Manchester and Glasgow , and to retain researchers at the RI would have been impossible without new accommodation for their research .
6 A number of Cabinet colleagues had doubts about all these policies and many would acknowledge that things would have been different without her .
7 The huge growth of its towns and cities would have been impossible without the medical advances of these years and the action by governments , singly and in concert , which supplied new health and welfare services , and imposed new standards of health , sanitation and accommodation .
8 No visit to Holland would have been complete without a study of the important Dutch bulb industry and soon after his return Miller produced a paper , read at the Royal Society , on the practice of growing them in water .
9 Indeed , as Shepherd points out , the developments that took place in post-Renaissance Western music would have been impossible without music notation , with its propensity for large-scale , visually organized construction , abstraction of symbol from sound , co-ordination of multiple events and voices ( through bar-lines , for instance ) , and ‘ spatialized ’ chord structures and progressions .
10 I have a great love of the choral music repertory and my training would have been incomplete without it at this stage stage .
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