Example sentences of "[noun] would have [vb pp] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Angel 's parents would have taken poor lonely Tess to their hearts immediately , as they did every other lost soul , without thought of family or education or wealth .
2 England would have had six existing internationals in the team but Kevin Stamp was accidently hit in the mouth by a stick at the training weekend and has withdrawn .
3 The most important buildings would have had red hand-made tiles on the roof and for this reason , the region became known as Rottwil ( red villa ) .
4 The sun was shining this time , but Alyssia would have remembered that little house anywhere .
5 Dropping version 2 of OSF/1 would have left those on-going developments undeployable .
6 Two ‘ Green Bush ’ bush marrow plants would have provided enough decent-sized marrows for our needs , while it looks as if my two courgette plants probably wo n't give enough fruit to justify their considerable demand on space in the plot .
7 The move would have boosted rock-bottom Tory morale just in time for their conference next week .
8 It may be standard practice in France for one state enterprise to give to another large sums of money when one of them is in financial trouble ; but it is doubtful whether private undertakings would have considered this particular transaction as ‘ normal ’ .
9 Sadat was shocked ; later he told his wife that he could not believe that the Shah would have allowed any foreign power such influence over his country 's affairs .
10 Announcing its decision , the Department of Environment said it had responded to three main criticisms : i ) the register would have listed all potential , not necessarily actual , contaminated sites , since it included all locations where specified industries had been sited ; ii ) sites would not be removed from the register , even if after clean-up ; iii ) there was no specific provision for determining who should bear the liability , and the costs , of the clean-up .
11 Watching her sleep , however , is not the most stimulating experience I 've had of late , although I realise that certain New York film-makers would have shot ten solid reels of it and begged for more .
12 To use the army as strike-breakers for the first time since Franco ( and Spain 's universally detested military service would have caused some intersting tests of loyalty ) would have provoked a confrontation with an unclear outcome for both sides .
13 The Proudies would have detested this democratic delegation and abhorred Bishop John 's preference for a black shirt rather than a purple shirt — he wears black ‘ because it helps me to feel a colleague among the clergy ’ .
14 What was arresting was n't what they were saying : minimal prompting would have elicited numerous similar testimonials to Bobby Charlton 's qualities as an Englishman , an athlete , walker-on-water , inter-galactic being , ambassador and father .
15 Such a decision would have had considerable economic and political consequences as the plant employed 6,000 workers in a state where unemployment was already high , at 6.3 per cent .
16 The Russians would have removed any possible clues from the suite by now .
17 However , had the last element in p been other than 4 , the three pairs of equations would have given three different answers .
18 Normally the thought would have made timid little Miss Fogerty quail .
19 A rudimentary version of such a skill in ancestral mammals would have provided ample raw material for natural selection to build upon , leading up by gradual degrees to the high perfection of bats .
20 It seems that polled cattle existed in Ireland long , long before any invaders would have introduced polled Scandinavian cattle , though it is tempting to assume that polled cattle , especially if they are colour-sided or dun , have Scandinavian origins .
21 The three children would have needed three different teacher-trainers .
22 Normally Sally-Anne would have rejected such molly-coddling , but she did feel dreadfully cold , and said so to Dr Neil who said quietly , ‘ It is the usual consequence of shock , McAllister , and for some reason you were suddenly very shocked .
23 There was no expectation then , as there is now , that an FRS would have made any distinctive and weighty contribution to the experimental or theoretical sciences .
24 The north wing of the school would have made three extra units , but as it was rented out to the health club , the new owners decided to maintain this arrangement .
25 More detailed questioning might have revealed whether the soldier 's discourse would have taken this argumentative tack .
26 ‘ The enterprise of the Leeds City management in securing Speirs would have staggered those responsible for the club a few years ago , ’ observed the Yorkshire Evening Post .
27 There 's no way you could have kept him hidden for this long , and Moshe-Rabaan would have noticed any excess oxygen usage , so he 's a simularity , right ? ’
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