Example sentences of "[noun] would have [vb pp] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Just a couple of years ago these cars would have fetched three or four times that price .
2 By re-analysing a few examples of French social survey data it is hoped that the British statisticians will become more familiar with French methods and also learn whether British methods would have revealed more or less details , or whether the two types of statistical methods are complementary .
3 No doubt in the summer , the area would be spotted with ardently rucksacked walkers , but it was now early November , and the recent rain and cold would have deterred all but the most perverse .
4 Well , Dominic would have played more but he could n't get in the blooming team !
5 In summer the gardens would have looked colourful and pretty but somehow in the depths of the Provençal winter they appeared melancholy .
6 It was a loud laugh which Sandison would have found embarrassing if there had been lots of people in the bar .
7 The girl would have had little if any money , and Patrick had none .
8 All the same , John Alexander 's piece on the Paris period would have made livelier and easier reading if he had not , like Richard Humphreys on the London years , limited himself so self-effacingly to the documentation , necessary though that is .
9 Seen from below , Lacuna 's long body would have looked comical as she ran back and forth , if it had not been for the grimace of rage that contorted her white face .
10 I thought that the right hon. Gentleman would have welcomed that and not tried to isolate the problems of this country as he is well aware that they are occurring everywhere else .
11 It was too much to hope that any sign of human presence in the tree would have survived two and a half wintry weeks .
12 In the early 1980s Lord Hanson 's £3.5billion successful bid for Consolidated Goldfields would have seemed unlikely and Sir James Goldsmith 's audacious £13billion offer for BATs impossible .
13 These would have evolved in such a way that the displayer would have appeared bigger and more frightening .
14 I dare say a good many rabbits would have kept quiet and thought about keeping on the right side of the Chief , but I 'm afraid I 'm not much good at that .
15 ‘ Maybe my father would have expected that but certainly not this generation of Serras .
16 The girls would have stayed undiscovered while parents David and Sharon Schoo spent a week in Acapulco , Mexico , if a smoke alarm in their home near Chicago had n't gone off .
17 It is a reasonable expectation that many more developments and innovations would have achieved commercial as well as technological success if the commercial scientists had a more profound understanding of the problems and achievements of the other three , and vice versa .
18 Ministers of Health would have incurred little or no extra criticism if they had failed to provide the services which the £25 million yielded by the prescription charges have made possible ; what criticism there was , would have been diffused over a hundred objects and none of it would have made a distinct impression on the mind of the electorate .
19 The records of the parliament say very little about the nobility , yet it is probable that without their support the commons would have achieved few if any of their more substantial demands .
20 However , if that election had been fought under some system of proportional representation then the Conservatives would have had a majority over Labour but would have been in a very substantial overall minority since the Liberals and Social Democrats would have held 160 or so seats .
21 Closer editing would have improved this but at the cost of time .
22 it in there , but I , I think a double garage would have looked better than that , actually .
23 Brittain believes that Top Class would have caused Nashwan and Cacoethes a lot more problems had he not gone to the front so early .
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