Example sentences of "[noun] would have [vb pp] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the great advantages that we had in the ‘ twenties was comparatively safe and clear streets , parked cars would have stopped many of our games and I imagine that tops would not have been popular with car owners .
2 One was the failure of the self- regulatory body I M R O and the second one was really the fact that he was able to change his financial year end from April ninety-one to December ninety-one and during that period he was able to do things with those erm those funds in his accounts and er and really there was , there was no check on that , and I do n't see that the that was in er Good would have changed much of that situation at that end .
3 Another area of debate was the revocability or modification of rights conferred upon third parties ; if they could be revoked without the third party 's consent then they could not be truly considered rights ; if they could not , the treaty parties would have surrendered some of their autonomy .
4 The Sheikha was completely veiled but , I knew her eyes would have turned black with distress .
5 ‘ I doubt if Aldhelm would have lain helpless for more than a quarter of an hour from that blow on the head .
6 Gary Lineker would have looked great in that , not to mention Gazza .
7 Only Paul Smith and Colin Harvey ( I thought his full-time job as Howard Kendall 's assistant at Everton would have kept him too busy to put pencil and crayon to paper ! ) got close to producing something workable , but even Smithy 's attempt in green would have fallen foul to Mr Clough 's watchful eye .
8 Probably many urban employers in the new forms of manufacture would have liked more of their workers to have become self-disciplined Methodists , but it was the employers of the village-dwelling miners who could already appreciate the benefits by the beginning of the nineteenth century .
9 Certainly , a successful coup would have offered potential for a dangerous new version of a ‘ stab-in-the-back ’ legend .
10 ‘ Old Keithie would have made more of it , but this 'll do .
11 In the same way that the jobbing funeral furnisher was unable to undertake the obsequies of the nobility , likewise the top cabinet-makers would have refused some of their lesser clients , referring them to one of more able members of the trade .
12 We calculate from regression that A/g of oats and mustard would have increased 14.1 to 16.4mmol CO 2 per mol H 2 O , respectively , with the increase from 275 to 350μmolmol -1 CO 2 that has occurred since 1800 .
13 Roslavl' officials would have lain quieter in their beds at night if they had bothered to read Maxim Gorky 's book On the Russian Peasantry published that same year .
14 They may reawaken memories of happier times-'my husband would have done that in five minutes ' .
15 The Royal Commission on Police Powers would have confined this to " grave offences . "
16 Batty would have been useful in this match … not only in the playing sense , but we had lots of throw ins level with their box , Batty would have got these into a danger area …
17 Further , to argue , as Gandhi does , that progress towards ahi sā must have taken place otherwise the human race would have become extinct by now , in the same way as lower species of animal life have become extinct , is to ignore the principle of natural selection , and the fact that more sophisticated weapons of hi sā are now at man 's disposal making the possibility of his self-destruction and extinction more real today than at any time in the past .
18 Gaps were left for the doorways and the resulting trench would have measured 22.1 × 8.5 metres , although it was slightly wider at the middle of the long sides .
19 The youths , being Moslems , were not having this from any woman , even if she were a great lady , and things would have gone ill for Zeinab if Owen had not arrived at that moment , on his way to her flat .
20 The inclusion of a Tallmantz B–25 cameraship would have done much for both the dogfights and the other air-to-air formation shots .
21 His current offer would have seemed attractive to them a couple of years back , but not now .
22 Each whirring stroke of the razor-edged steel would have sliced clean through a human limb with almost as much ease as it cut the air .
23 It is normally assumed that a given variable would have remained constant in the absence of integration .
24 Even in the compartment he was explaining to the other half dozen men who had no option but to listen , how the New York Giants would have taken both of them on , one after another , and still have had time to take on the Chicago White Soxs as well .
25 If I had followed a different route through Bradford or Brixton the complexion of this story would have transformed some of its objectives : whiteness and blackness would have encountered each other dramatically .
26 Bowbazaar links Calcutta 's business district with the hugely-crowded Sealdah suburban railway terminus and an explosion of this intensity during daytime would have killed hundreds of people , he said .
27 To attack their anti-racist policies would have exposed Labour to ( more ) accusations of racism ; far easier to attack the much less extensive lesbian and gay policies ; and if that meant abandoning lesbians and gays to isolation and intimidation , so be it .
28 IF CORPORATE governance and the virtues or vices of free financial markets had been agonised over as much in 1985 as they are now , continental Europe would have ruined many of the most popular and simplistic conclusions .
29 If Claudine had been just slightly nicer , Jenna would have felt sorry for her .
30 Some old plants which would otherwise have remained profitable as a result of faster or more effective working would have become unprofitable as a result of these productivity gains not being achieved .
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