Example sentences of "[noun] would [adv] [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had Immelmann 's death not intervened , the appearance of Boelcke 's ‘ Flying Circus ’ at Verdun would almost certainly have spelled disaster for the individualist French flyers .
2 A private party in some high-rise apartment block ; looking down into the city from the forty-second floor , it was like being inside a radio , one of those old valve radios , and Jed almost told Creed what he thought , he almost blurted something Creed would n't even have understood , You must 've had radios thrown away some time , did n't you ? but the rush blew over and he was still staring down into the forest of lit buildings and he still had n't spoken .
3 I mean certainly I have to say I think most journalists would n't even have noticed that
4 Had there been a genuine sense of Arabism during the post-war period , Aziz went on , then the Gulf States would not only have cancelled Iraq 's debts , but would also have organized a comprehensive Iraqi reconstruction plan .
5 Clients would then only have to phone stockbrokers to deal , so every phone call should generate commission .
6 He was filmed prancing round the forecourt like a wayward member of a modern dance troupe ; the witnesses in the passing cars would n't just have noticed his approach , they would probably have pulled up to watch , so bizarre and entertaining were his surreptitious motions .
7 An order form for spare parts for motor cars would probably only have to recognise digits and part names , which would be from a small domain-specific lexicon .
8 Turning to Naas Botha just as he was preparing to kick off the second half , Bishop remarked , ‘ We 're in for a hell of a 40 minutes , Naas ’ — just what sort of hell Botha would rather not have found out …
9 If he was one of them , that 's why they were hurrying back to London , so Gloria could say goodbye before he was put on a ship and Dot would n't ever have to see him again .
10 The irony , of course , is that since a considerable proportion of these were bred for the purpose , a large number of animals would not otherwise have lived were they not destined to die prematurely .
11 Long-time leader Mweenish would almost certainly have held on had he cleared the final obstacle without error .
12 Moulin 's behind-the-scenes work would probably not have gone very far , however , without a public appeal from de Gaulle to the leaders of the Resistance .
13 North Korea would probably still have to admit , as Iraq has done under UN sanctions and as South Africa did voluntarily , that it had been up to no good .
14 Ash would almost certainly have read them , but I 've no recollection of any precise use he made of them … ’
15 " Shoes would almost certainly have had a maker 's name on them , and such names on shoes are generally stamped in the leather and not easy to take out .
16 First , the show had cost a fortune to put on — the costumes , scenery and music alone had swallowed 3,000 , a huge sum in those days , so the management would certainly not have welcomed laying out yet more money on a whole new scene for a revival whose aim was to recoup losses .
17 Fabia would very much have liked to know what indeed it was that was happening to him , but , her heart pounding , it was a question that she was afraid to ask in case the answer was another knock-down .
18 Sometimes when he was drunk , and sometimes when he was partly sober , he talked to the Rat of many things the boy would otherwise never have heard of .
19 Richard Kersley of BZW , the Barclays Bank offshoot , said the Chancellor would not only have to increase interest rates but would also have to make other changes .
20 As suggested in his recent editorial by Ken Ellis of FlyPast , the huge amount of public support which has surface this year for the Vulcan and which had Parliament not been in recess would almost certainly have led to ‘ questions in the House ’ , may lead to a revision of the Official View in matters of aviation preservation .
21 Words can not express the sadness of seeing a teenager who looks barely older than a young child suffering from severe malnutrition , but there are the wonderful moments such as a child who suffered tremendous burns after a candle fell and set fire to her night-dress ; after months of careful dressing and cleaning her wounds have virtually healed — without the clinic the little girl would almost certainly have died .
22 Meredith craned her neck and saw behind her an even older notice announcing a trio of public hangings , two of them for offences which in some circumstances would not even have warranted a custodial sentence today .
23 The aims of the new mental health task force , set up in January to monitor the mental health service modernisation programme ( p 000 ) , seem sensible , but if central data on the programme had been collected all along the team would not now have to go to the districts for information .
24 There were other advantages , too , in that the proposed arrangements would give a clear focus for informal carers and relatives ; such carers would no longer have to find their way through a maze of local services .
25 The dinosaurs probably lost the race against time , having already lost bipedality and vestigial hands at the time when mammalian-type warm-bloodedness would almost certainly have guaranteed their survival into perpetuity .
26 plaintiff wife of deceased was pregnant at time of deceased 's death but later miscarried. held that as plaintiff would most likely have given up work to take care of her baby therefore the joint earnings approach to calculating dependency was not appropriate .
27 Critics of the PLO 's decision to back the participation of a Palestinian delegation in the current Middle East peace process would most likely have taken the opportunity of Mr Arafat 's demise to make a bid for power .
28 The medical evidence establishes that but for the accident , Fred would probably not have committed suicide .
29 For example , some governments would probably not have spent as much on telecommunications as they have done without the stimulus of a foreign-dominated export sector that produces hard-currency earnings , and the expectation that such facilities , however expensive , would attract even more companies .
30 On the other hand , large size for carnivores would not necessarily have meant a remorseless and continued struggle to find food .
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