Example sentences of "[noun] as [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The book is written specifically for engineers and engineering undergraduates to present this computational technique as a practical tool in engineering , keeping the mathematical content to a minimum .
2 When Fokine developed his mimed dance and danced mime , the old dualism of dance and mime was largely eliminated , although twentieth-century choreographers still use the strictly academic technique as the firm basis of their design .
3 Such opposition is backed by appeals to protect the small retailer as a unique feature of Japanese culture against an alien Western transplant .
4 In form it is an application at the suit of C.N.L. as a third party for the court to release the appellant from his implied undertaking pursuant to which discovery of the P.C.A. documents was given under the court 's order of 9 July 1991 — released that is to the extent of permitting him to disclose the documents to C.N.L. , they for their part undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against them by Woodley and Clifford .
5 With the increase in public transport costs , road tax and insurance , more and more people are changing to the humble bike as an alternative form of transport .
6 In international law generally the duty to exhaust domestic remedies is to protect the interests of States but , in the context of the protection of human rights , also because the institutions in Strasbourg regard the development of effective domestic mechanisms for their protection as a necessary concomitant of the international procedures : individuals are required to make use of what the national systems provide before invoking the international jurisdiction .
7 We owe another debt to the local English citizens who have restored and revitalized this building as a tangible memorial to those men .
8 The idea is to re-create the building as a 12-bed extension for the neighbouring and packed Stockton mission for the single homeless without losing its historical railway look .
9 I see the move into the people stage in building as a particular manifestation of the post — industrial culture , into which Western European societies will increasingly move .
10 Reflecting the great care taken by the architects to conserve and enhance the qualities of this former industrial building as a significant element in the metropolitan riverside scene , the project has received several awards , including a Doe Housing Design Award and a Civic Trust Award , both of which were presented in 1985 .
11 Blundell foresees equivalent advantages in transgenic plants for foods , fibres , energy products , pharmaceuticals , organic chemicals and construction materials — in short a return to agriculture as a major source of raw materials .
12 The NFU survey shows the devastating loss of a total of £6 million to our agriculture as a direct result of the MacSharry proposals .
13 The mixture of agrarianist views put forward in subsequent years have tended to be lumped together under the heading of nó0honshugi , the concept of agriculture as the socio-economic base of society .
14 The design of an aircraft structure falls into this category as the preferred solution for a component design would be that it has zero mass and infinite strength .
15 This is essentially a distinction between assessment as an integral part of the curriculum and assessment which is designed primarily to be a form of communication serving the needs of the outside world .
16 I think that for once we need feel no qualms in taking Diodorus as a faithful epitomizer of what must have been a compact and careful section of Posidonius on the slave war in Sicily .
17 Where MacLeay saw this unity as a circular system of relationships , Owen began to argue that the unity of type within each group displayed the rational activity of the Creator .
18 Markovic reiterated that the Alliance 's programme would be based around the successful programme of his federal government , and would aim at preserving Yugoslavia 's unity as a pluralist community of equal nations and nationalities .
19 A particular concern of the investigation will be to examine the definition of politicization used by the US and to examine the effectiveness of using threats of resignation as a credible technique for managing the activities of those agencies which are the world 's primary multi-lateral forums for the negotiation of global issues .
20 Put this way , 2A , the practice of reading language itself , self-conciously understanding a text as an illustrative example of one 's linguistic theory , is an extraordinary and peculiar hermeneutic practice .
21 From the content of the text the analyst can , in principle , determine what aspects of the context are explicitly reflected in the text as the formal record of the utterance .
22 Some people in INTELSAT saw the Franco-German Symphony satellites as the thin edge of the wedge .
23 Politically , Bradley argues Charles de Gaulle 's case for the independent French deterrent and for the Paris-Bonn link as the real linchpin of European security .
24 Thus the chorus — often relegated to a small or virtually non-existent role in similar Italian operas , comes to the fore as an integral part of the action , lending real drama and vitality to scenes such as the appearance of the avenging sea monster .
25 Many had come to look upon their children as vehicles of social emulation ; hence they began to project their own social attitudes as the moral imperatives of childhood .
26 The presence of this type of homophilic interaction as the dominant form of molecular association in the sCD2 crystals lends support to the general hypothesis .
27 ( With the privilege of hindsight , some may see here an anticipation of the modern emphasis on transactions and interaction as the basic nexus of symbolic life . )
28 TUESDAY , November 3 , was an historic day for the Diocese when Pope John Paul II appointed Bishop Crowley as the Sixth Bishop of Middlesbrough Diocese .
29 Indeed the approach in some ways resembled that of the early Russian school of soil science and involved the recognition of zonal phenomena as the direct results of latitudinal climatic belts ; of azonal phenomena arising from non-climatic control including endogenetic effects ; extrazonal phenomena which occurred beyond their normal range of occurrence such as sand dunes on coasts ; and polyzonal phenomena including those which operate in all regions of the globe subject to the same basic physical laws .
30 In APL , the previous experience is more varied and is therefore not usually supported by a certificate as the main evidence of competence .
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