Example sentences of "[noun] can be [vb pp] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now we have to be careful with the word ‘ redemptive ’ because in a final way only Christ 's sufferings can be deemed truly redemptive ; but I feel that we can make guarded use of the term .
2 The same action can be found both constitutional and unconstitutional . ’
3 Well these are just some of the ways in which computers can be made more friendly .
4 Once all the correct lenses have been swung into place and focussing is complete , the initial dialogue between the time-travellers can be made more interesting by switching between close-ups , mid-shots , group shots , etc .
5 There were some notable gaps in care but on the whole the research can be considered reasonably reassuring , given the strongly critical stance toward the decision-making for Banstead which MIND 's research officers had adopted .
6 The camera work can be kept as simple as it is for recording one person giving a talk — it can stay on the interviewee .
7 A number of limitations can be identified primarily due to this particular difference in the systems .
8 The stopped areas can be made less noticeable by imitating the grain with a fine artist 's brush and paint , usually using a mixture of ochres and siennas , according to the type of wood .
9 It seems quite reasonable to assume that , when a speaker is organising a ‘ speech paragraph ’ which has two connected elements as its foci , both elements can be made phonologically prominent in the introduction .
10 The exercise can be made more difficult by placing a weight across the thighs .
11 To these traditional criticisms can be added more recent ones .
12 Despite the considerable progress that has been made under this Government in encouraging employee share ownership , will the Minister take careful note of the recent KPMG Management Consulting report which shows ways in which the qualifying employee-share option trusts can be made more flexible and therefore likely to be more widely used by companies and available to more employees in subsequent years of Conservative government ?
13 There are various ways in which abstract art-historical analyses can be made more relevant to the study of man and the organisation of exchange .
14 The purpose of this paper is to examine how conditions for both sufferers and their carers can be made as satisfactory as possible in " ordinary " and in sheltered housing , and to raise issues that need further examination .
15 The picture can be made more revealing and informative in various ways .
16 Second , existing plants can be made more water-efficient through better management and control systems and the reuse of water wherever possible .
17 Obviously existing kitchens can be made more efficient with more up-to-date equipment — bigger freezer and/or fridge , a dishwasher , waste disposal unit and so on — but only if the appliances work hard for you , save time and labour and generally make your particular way of life easier and more enjoyable .
18 Researchers will ask how neighbourhoods , town centres , streets and transport can be made more secure .
19 Together they would like to investigate how the CAB service can be made more accessible to deaf people .
20 For carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , though , things can be made more complicated .
21 The Countryside Commission has produced an action pack to show how the countryside can be made more accessible by clearing obstacles on footpaths and bridleways .
22 These edges can be considered mutually exclusive interpretations of some stretch of the utterance defined by the z and x axis .
23 What are likely to be the most effective methods by which bureaucracies can be made democratically responsible ?
24 That an offender can be held criminally liable for the unintended consequences of his or her actions is a well-established legal principle .
25 That is done by considering a case in which a passenger can be held equally liable even though he sought to avoid being identified with the aggravated crime .
26 By placing responsibility for costs in the hands of clinicians , expenditure control can be made more sensitive to the clinical priorities .
27 The definition can be made more accurate , but not wholly satisfactory by specifying that the other animal must have changed its behaviour because it perceived the signal through its sense organs , and was not physically forced .
28 Although the theoretical motivation for positing social network as a speaker variable can be made relatively explicit , its use presents certain problems , the first of which concerns the measurement and quantification of network structure ; for like social class and ethnicity , the ill-definedness of the network concept can make it difficult to operationalize .
29 Cellular transplantation can be performed either pre- or postnatally , the techniques are straightforward , cell scan be manipulated in culture , and there is the possibility of extended storage by cryopreservation .
30 On the contrary , it is only through a phenomenological clarification of the structure of experiences that the logical properties of such sentences can be made fully transparent .
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