Example sentences of "[noun] can be [vb pp] of the " in BNC.

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1 Their ministers ( if such a term can be used of the great officials such as the treasurers and hetmans of Poland and Lithuania ) were irremovable ; and the principle of the liberum veto meant that any of the two hundred or so members of the Diet ( Seym ) could nullify the work of an entire session by recording a single dissenting vote .
2 If we believe that Ireland can be purged of the Dark Lords and the Wolfline reinstated , then we will join with you . ’
3 On enquiry the Inspector contends that as the transactions were not recorded in the accounting records in March 1991 , no cognisance can be taken of the dividend , and he is therefore seeking to raise a s 419 assessment .
4 This distinction can be backed up by philosophy and aesthetics , and descriptions can be found of the resultant moments of vision or epiphanies .
5 Ditches and lanes frequently divide up the platforms , so that a rough plan can be seen of the former crofts lying along the lanes .
6 Primary prevention is before the moment of conception , when parents ‘ at risk ’ of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child can be advised of the risks .
7 Two main criticisms can be made of the accelerator theory as we have outlined it .
8 ( Counts can be made of the occurrence of individual letters in specific word positions , and of pairs or triplets of letters , when estimating the spatial redundancy of a word . )
9 In one corner is the Brass Rubbing Centre , where rubbings can be taken of the Washington brasses and arms amongst others .
10 On this side of the Atlantic , much the same criticism can be made of the common fisheries policy of the European Community .
11 The only basis on which criticism can be made of the inevitable decline in investment during the recession is if high praise is lavished on the Government for the three years in the last 1980s when investment touched peaks .
12 Some equipment will be more suited to dry or wet sand , though it is sometimes interesting for the children to try using the funnel , for instance , with the wet sand , and comparison can be made of the way the different types of sand feel and behave .
13 You 'll need two cars for this one , but a round can be made of the traverse by coming back via the Brandy Pad .
14 If the projected examination schedules are retained in the computer , printouts can be obtained of the examinations scheduled for the next day or week , so rendering unnecessary the use of a manual diary for the control of test schedules .
15 Finally they suggest how better use can be made of the resources .
16 ‘ Staff are selected on the basis of whether the course is directly relevant and how much practical use can be made of the training ’ …
17 Good use can be made of the geometric data stored in a CAD system to check that a series of separate components can be assembled together .
18 Use can be made of the Flory-Huggins theory to predict the equilibrium behaviour of two liquid phases when both contain amorphous polymer and one or even two solvents .
19 It is only thanks to this close control that maximum use can be made of the water available to generate electricity .
20 A similar explanation in comparative terms can be given of the notions of ‘ superior ’ and ‘ subordinate ’ criteria which we have already used .
21 And the similar tale can be told of the , the episode in Little Rock .
22 Maybe at the end of our enquiry we shall decide that no philosophical sense can be made of the world — and the world does not seem to be primarily linguistic .
23 They too assume that if only their methods are pursued well enough , sense can be made of the most intense , idiosyncratic experience .
24 Gradually , however , Paul 's position becomes the only one whereby sense can be made of the situation .
25 Kelly ( 1955 ) notes that it is only by being attuned to repetitive aspects in the monotonous flow of life that sense can be made of the world .
26 Many examples can be given of the pitfalls of question designing .
27 Whatever may be the limits of Article 235 , and it has been noted that it gave rise , even before the Community acquired its express environmental competence , to legislation on the conservation of wild birds , examples can be found of the development of what would appear to be new Community policies , without even a reference to Article 235 .
28 Through such models , some understanding can be gained of the way in which many settlements formerly operated in their local landscape .
29 Much the same thing can be said of the to infinitive denoting something which is actualized as a consequence of causation ( cause , force , occasion , get , order , tell ) , assistance ( help ) , discovery ( find ) , daring , etc .
30 A similar account can be given of the most likely interpretation of car in 17 .
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